IN the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
During this blessed month, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hellfire are closed, and the influence of malevolent forces is weakened. This creates an environment conducive to self-reflection, introspection, and personal growth.
Prophet Muhammad SAW said: “When Ramadan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hellfire are closed, and the devils are chained.”( Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim)
For Muslims, Ramadan serves as the opportune moment to embark on a journey of self-discovery and improvement. By engaging in acts of worship, fasting, and devotion, believers seek to deepen their connection with Allah and cultivate important virtues such as patience, gratitude, and humility.
One actionable example to maximize the benefits of Ramadan for self-reflection and improvement is to keep a Ramadan to-do-list. Use this to-do-list to track your spiritual progress, record reflections on your daily experiences, and set goals for personal growth. Reflect on your actions, thoughts, and emotions, and strive to identify areas where you can enhance your character and draw closer to Allah.
In addition to that, dedicate time each day for contemplation and introspection. Engage in silent prayer, Quranic recitation, or mindful meditation to connect with your inner self and seek guidance from Allah SWT. Use this time to assess your strengths and weaknesses, and commit to making positive changes in your life
More so, breaking the fast at sunset is a moment of immense joy and gratitude for Muslims, signifying the fulfillment of their obedience to Allah’s command and the sustenance He provides.
This Hadith underscores the importance of hastening to break the fast, reflecting the Prophet Muhammad SAW teachings on the virtues of this act:“The people will continue to be upon goodness as long as they hasten to break the fast.”(Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim)
Make it a habit to embrace the joy of breaking the fast by following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Start by breaking your fast with dates and water as he did, given their nutritional value and significance in Islamic tradition. Then, enjoy a balanced meal that nourishes your body and soul, while expressing gratitude to Allah for the blessings of sustenance bestowed upon you.
In essence, breaking the fast is not merely a physical act, but a spiritual experience that symbolizes gratitude, obedience, and reliance on Allah’s provision. By following the Sunnah and embracing the joy of breaking the fast, Muslims deepen their connection with their faith and appreciate the blessings of Ramadan even more profoundly.
In the close relation, Ramadan and health benefits are more closely linked than one might initially think. Here are some of the reasons why physical wellbeing, mental health, and Ramadan go hand in hand below.
Ensuring that you’re properly refreshed and hydrated is hugely important, particularly in the summer. Dehydration is among the most notable Ramadan fasting health risks. As a result, maintaining hydration during Ramadan is all the more important, as there’s only a small window in which you can drink. Therefore, you must be sensible when selecting your beverages, opting for water above caffeinated or carbonated drinks. Upon selecting the right beverages, Ramadan health risks are minimal.
Another important aspect of Ramadan is ensuring that your energy is kept up at all times. Slow release, fibrous, and healthy foods will be the most beneficial to you, as the storage of fat will mean that energy is regularly released throughout the day. However, glucose fuelled foods will give you a quick burst of energy and eventually lead to a crash.
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Improved food choices will come from the aforementioned need for energy throughout the day. Dates are such an integral feature of breaking the fast due to their energy-boosting qualities and richness in fibre, potassium, magnesium, and B vitamins. As well as this, they’re also especially helpful in aiding digestion and preventing you from overindulging in carb-fuelled snacks.
Fasting forces you to cleanse your body through an intense detox. Drinking water and eating cleanly results in your bodily functions being improved. Similarly, prolonged periods of not ingesting anything cleanse your body of toxins and makes room for nutrients.
Glucose and cholesterol management are just some of the advantages of fasting. These are some top tips in relation to Ramadan and health care.
The reasons to feel happy during Ramadan are plentiful, as well as the effect of Ramadan fasting on health. Once you have become accustomed to your new habits, fasting will help you release more endorphins, increasing your alertness and happiness.
Not only are endorphins great for your physical health, but they’re greatly beneficial to your mental health. This is because you’re allowed to channel your focus towards a direction that isn’t food oriented.
During Ramadan, mental health becomes more meditative, allowing you to pray and reflect in a spiritual capacity, as opposed to concerning yourself with day-to-day comforts. Self-control and restraint are huge factors of fasting, which strengthens your connection with Allah (SWT). This is because you install trust into him to provide you with what you need and expel your wants.
Engaging in deep reflection as Ramadan is intended can be a deeply emotional experience. From peace of mind to contentment, Ramadan is a time to appreciate everything that Allah (SWT) has gifted you. On top of this, the breaking of the fast is a time that should be spent with family, resulting in feelings of love and comfort after a month of sacrifice.
Everyone is guilty of having bad habits or addictions, no matter how severe or minor. Therefore, we can all do something to improve ourselves. Whether it’s quitting smoking, abstaining from food binges, or stopping lying, Ramadan is the ideal time to make these positive changes. If you’re not ready to address your bad habits, you might take Ramadan as a time to combat unpleasant personality traits such as stubbornness or gossiping. Muslims should take advantage of this golden opportunity to quit all vices and sins, resulting in an improved lifestyle.