Young Elites Educational and Training Services (YEETS) in collaboration with Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) has announced that it is launching a Professional Development (PD) Programme in computer science, supported by Google for Education, in the 2019 cycle of Educator Grants at the Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu Ode, in a bid to help drive and improve the teaching of computer science in Nigeria.
Young Elites Educational and Training Services says the launch of the PD Programme forms part of its mandate to support Nigeria’s technological development through Educational Development.
“We believe that the PD Programme will provide a platform for pre-service teachers, school administrators, policymakers, government and educational professionals to revitalise their interest in teaching computer science at the secondary education level in Nigeria,” Hafiz Bakare, Administrative Manager at YEETS said.
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The PD Programme will kick off on Thursday, 12th September 2019 at the Tai Solarin University of Education, and it will address five core concepts (Algorithm and programming; Data and analysis; Computation problems and artefacts; Computer interaction and recursion; Computer simulation and decomposition) in computer science and ensure attendees are adequately equipped to deliver training that is equal to global teaching standards. Improving the quality of computer science education will increase computer science knowledge of the average Nigerian and increase the number of people equipped to educate others on Computer Science.
Key professional computer science educators have been invited to deliver best practices at the PD workshop, which will explore the core concepts the Professional Development Programme will be addressing. These experts will address concepts such as Algorithm and programming; Data and analysis; Computation problems and artefacts; Computer interaction and recursion; Computer simulation and decomposition.
Hafiz Bakare, Administrative Manager at Young Elites Educational and Training Services (YEETS), an EdTech company with visibility in taking 1,000 pre-service teachers through the programme, said YEETS will provide digital experience, power-point presentations, video presentations, syndicate sessions and interactive sessions. He says that improving the teaching-learning experiences in public secondary schools by leveraging computer science education is a priority.
“We appreciate the support of the Google for Education team in creating an enabling as well as a sustainable community of practice at Tai Solarin University of Education, and in assisting us to organise the first edition of the PD programme for pre-service teachers in Ogun State. Stakeholders’ engagement and private sector participation are critical success factors to these endeavours,” he noted.
Young Elites Educational and Training Services intends to improve the standard of computer science education in Nigeria and Africa at large to meet up with global standards in this field, he concluded.