AS the prices of essential commodities among other things continue to soar as a result of the economic recession in Nigeria, those selling delicacy such as dog meat in Jos and its environs have jerked up the price of local dogs considered as delicacy among certain tribes in the state.
A visit by the Nigerian Tribune to places like kungiya, Jenta Adamu/Mageri and some other areas like Pankshi and Kanke local government areas of the state revealed that the former price which ranged between N5, 000 to N8, 000 have increased by 25 per cent.
A dog merchant identified as Istifanus Kwanda who said gone were the days when dogs were fed with rubbish or waste from the homes, stated that the cost of feeding dogs had gone up just as the cost of feeding human begin had also increased adding that the price depend on how they were fed, which also determined their sizes.
“The size determines the price, if you bring malnourished or sick dog to the market, nobody will want to buy such from you, we often ensure that they are well fed to attract good price. While the cost of maintaining them has gone up, feeding is also on the increase, we have to balance the two to fix the price, so we have to adjust the price in line with the economic reality in the country.”
Another merchant who simply identified himself as Danjuma said he moved from house to house to buy dog or in most cases waited at the market to buy from people adding that the cost of transportation among others forced up the increase.
Mrs. Amina Davou, who sells dog meat pepper soup a burukutu joint in Bukuru area of Jos South Local Government, said a plate of pepper soup now goes for N500 as against the former price of N200 but however added that the size of the meat at times determined the price.
Titus Iliya, a consumer of god meat explained that the delicacy had a unique taste and at the same time medicinal, adding that there was no shame in eating the delicacy. She said the meat had become favourite cuisine of many irrespective of their status and backgrounds.
Without any scientific evidence or proof, IIiya declared thus: “ It is medicinal and good for healthy living, it has the potency and capability of wading off evil attacks, those who eat dog meat are strong and can withstand any attack, be it spiritual or physical attack.