The journey of an entrepreneur does not begin with money, neither does it begin with many; it begins with a meaning. Strong ‘MEAT’ – Meaning, Effort, Attitude and Team is required for entrepreneurial success. The quality of an entrepreneur’s dream determines the quality of the team it attracts. An excellent vision attracts excellent minds. The magnitude of an entrepreneurial vision determines the attitude of the entrepreneur as well as the quality of effort put into animating the vision.
Entrepreneurial competence is the ability to recognize entrepreneurial opportunities and build capacity in seizing an opportunity. Strong ‘MEAT’ belongs to builders and entrepreneurial leaders. Entrepreneurship is 75% capacity building and 25% creative thinking.
Entrepreneurship is about possibilities and responsibilities. Possibilities are responsibilities. Building entrepreneurial competence therefore requires vision and action. Entrepreneurial actions or responsibilities in the direction of vision.
Necessity is the womb of industry. An entrepreneurial vision is necessity-driven. Even though, creativity is one of the building blocks of industry, it is driven by necessity. Where there is no vision, creativity takes the place of necessity. Necessity is the mother of invention.
Entrepreneurial competence requires Strong ‘MEAT’ (Meaning, Effort, Attitude and Team)
Meaning – The journey of an entrepreneur begins with a meaning. Meaning means nothing without a vision. Entrepreneurship is a function of the entrepreneur. Everything rises and falls on the mindset of the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship rises and falls on vision. What vision is to leadership is what innovation is to entrepreneurship. Innovation rises and falls on vision. Innovation without a vision is a limitation. It is important to know one’s entrepreneurial identity early and identify specifically an entrepreneurial dream to be pursued. Entrepreneurial icons are competent leaders who by virtue of vision create meaningful and necessary products, services and businesses.
Effort – Vision without an effort is imagination in futility. The utility of a vision is strengthened by strategic efforts. Entrepreneurial efforts close the gap between an opportunity and necessity. Actions animate visions. Possibilities are responsibilities. Responsibilities activate possibilities. Vision is a possibility. An entrepreneurial dream is a possibility. Goals are possibilities. Aspirations are possibilities. Entrepreneurship is not just about envisioning possibilities, it is about taking responsibilities. Entrepreneurship is not just about having a plan, it is about behaving the plan. It is not just about setting goals, it is about going all the way to set the pace, blaze a trail and take the lead in specific fields, proffering solutions to problems, meeting needs and creating sustainable impact in industry, ministry, business, commerce, etc. Entrepreneurs miss opportunities because they do not undertake responsibilities. Entrepreneurial competence is mostly about leadership. Leadership is the ability to set goals and create rules. It is the capacity to follow through to see that goals are accomplished and rules are followed. Leadership begins with self. Remember, entrepreneurship is a function of the entrepreneur. This means that entrepreneurship is a function of efforts. Whether it is mental or physical, efforts push an entrepreneurial endeavour off the ground and put life and dynamism into the vision. Strong meaning requires strong efforts.
Attitude – Just like the saying – your attitude determines your altitude. Entrepreneurial competence is not only about capacity building, it is an attitude. Between an entrepreneurial objective and success are obstacles that could militate against achieving set goals. For every objective, there is an obstacle. A positive entrepreneurial attitude will make one fit for the feat and to defeat any obstacle or rise above challenges. ATTITUDE is everything. To the entrepreneur, failure is not fatal, rather, it is an opportunity to start all over with a different strategy. Do you have the attitude and mindset of Thomas Edison? Entrepreneurial competence requires a positive attitude, especially during the difficult times.
Team – Partnership is a reflection of the strength and quality of entrepreneurship. What is entrepreneurship? – It is the ability to undertake responsibility in order to exploit an opportunity. A strong meaning will attract a strong team. A qualitative dream attracts a qualitative team – thinkers and leaders. Over the years, my entrepreneurial vision, products and brand have attracted many people who either proposed business partnership or mentorship. The quality of an entrepreneurial vision determines the quality of the team. An entrepreneurial vision that does not attract visionary leaders is not worthy to be pursued. Entrepreneurial competence is the ability to attract quality minds and lead them to achieve set goals. Remember, necessity is the mother of vision. Necessity is that factor which inspires the commitment of quality effort and attitude into a vision. Does your entrepreneurial dream pass the test of necessity? This is an important question to be answered because people sometimes work for meaning and not the money.
Strong ‘MEAT’ is for entrepreneurial leaders, that is, nation builders, business managers, industrialists, pioneers, etc.
Entrepreneurship is not a destination, it is a marathon which requires strength and stability. Remember, entrepreneurship is a function of the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial competence therefore, is a function of the entrepreneur’s mindset and worldview.
Successful entrepreneurs are known for their strong ‘MEAT’. Entrepreneurial leaders are competent and confident individuals who by virtue of strong ‘MEAT’ have made indelible marks in their endeavours. So, my submission is this, compete with the competent and against a standard of excellence.
Entrepreneurship is best practiced by individuals who are deep in insight, fervent in spirit and patient with their dream and team.
STONG MEAT BELONGS TO ENTREPRENURIAL LEADERS. Are you ready to quit mediocre entrepreneurship? Do you believe there is more to your vision that you are currently seeing? It is high time you began to take the bull by the horn – dream necessity only, act strategically and maintain a positive attitude. Never say never. Strong MEAT boosts your confidence as an entrepreneur.
To compete with the competent, do the works of the competent. Invest time and energy like never before. Acquire relevant knowledge and read daily.
Success in entrepreneurship is predictable, so is failure. Succeed delibrately by deepening leadership.
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