A health summit, tagged AfriSummit 2024, will take place from November 3 to 6, in Cairo, Egypt. The event brings together stakeholders from the pharmaceutical industry and medical device sector, regulatory bodies, and leading solution providers from across Africa and globally. It aims to drive the unity of healthcare regulations, enhancing access to safe, effective, and high-quality medicines.
Dr. Najiba Al Shezawy, co-founder of AfriSummit, emphasizes the importance of regulatory affairs, stating, “Regulatory harmonization ensures all Africans have access to safe and effective medicines. AfriSummit is key in making significant strides in this area.”
AfriSummit 2024 will feature expert speakers from National regulatory bodies, the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, and global health organizations. Key topics will include convergence in Regulations, compliance, and innovative pathways. The summit will also offer specialized workshops on Pharmacovigilance and eCTD, equipping attendees with the latest advancements and best practices in the field.
A focal point of the event will be a presentation on the current state of AMA by AUDA-NEPAD followed by sessions and panel discussion, including one on Reliance in post-approval changes. Additionally, MedDevReg AfriSummit will tackle topics such as “Ensuring Compliance in Africa: MDSAP Audits and GMP Site Inspections for Medical Devices” and “Securing the Supply Chain: Combating Counterfeits in Medical Devices in Africa.”
The African pharmaceutical market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 9.6% from 2020 to 2027, reaching over $70 billion. Harmonizing regulations will be crucial in reducing costs, expediting the introduction of new medicines, and improving healthcare outcomes.
Dr. Mona al Moussli, co-founder of AfriSummit, expresses her excitement for this year’s event, “The 4th edition of AfriSummit in Cairo epitomizes progress and innovation, highlighting the importance of harmonization and reliance in Africa. This year’s summit will be a catalyst for positive change in the pharmaceutical regulatory landscape across the continent.”