I have a big tummy which people claim was caused by my heavy consumption of beer. Although I have stopped drinking, my belly is still big. Kindly let me know how to get rid of it.
Kalu (by SMS)
A beer belly is basically when visceral fat builds up around your waistline, typically as a result of eating too many calories, especially from simple carbohydrates and sugars , like those found in beer. Exercises may help firm up muscles, but there’s mixed research about how well specific exercises can burn fat just in the belly or elsewhere. However, a beer belly will usually shrink as you lose body weight. Losing weight is often described in simple terms: Burn more calories than you consume. To help with that, consider the following strategies. Cutting back on your beer consumption will help, but it’s only one dietary change you can make. Here are few tips to consider: For example, instead of having two slices of pizza, have one. You’ll get used to simply consuming smaller portions as the days and weeks go on. This is especially important if you eat out a lot. It can be a pain at first, but once you learn how many calories are in the foods you usually eat, you won’t have to do as much math. Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins. And eat less processed food and foods containing added sugars, enriched flour, and saturated fats.