If you’ve been with your girlfriend for a while and things are going well, it might be time to think about marriage. But before you pop the question and get down on one knee, here’s what you need to know so you can be sure that she is really the one for you!
1. A giver
One of the most important qualities a woman should have to be a good wife is that she is a giver. This means giving of herself, time and money. She should be willing to share herself with her future husband in many ways: emotionally (being there for him), physically (giving birth to his children), mentally (knowledge and wisdom), spiritually (sharing your beliefs), and so on.
In addition to sharing your time and other resources with one another, you both must value each other’s relationship with God too; not just by words, but by walking alongside each other during this journey called life together!
2. Trust
Trust is a huge part of marriage, and it’s something that you have to work on. You can’t fake trust, which means if your girlfriend has any doubts about whether or not she can trust you with her life and well-being, then there may not be much hope for the future of your relationship.
Trust is something that has to be built over time; it’s not something that comes naturally from day one in a relationship. When we first meet someone new (or even old), we tend to think they’re trustworthy because they seem like nice people—but then again, everyone seems nice at first glance! And so as time goes by and we get closer together as friends or lovers, our initial impressions will change depending on how often we interact with each other outside of work or school, and so on. What kind of background information do we have about each other before becoming close friends?Â
The more familiar we become with each other through these interactions—and especially if some kind of conflict arises later down the line—the less likely it’ll be for us both to feel secure enough about our relationship.
3. Support
A good wife is supportive and will stand by you no matter what. She won’t judge you for your mistakes or bad choices. Instead, she’ll be there for you in times of need.
A great girlfriend will be there for you when things go wrong—a job loss or financial setback can affect anyone (even if they’re married). A woman who knows how to support her man through tough times will make him feel that he has someone on his side who truly cares about him as a person and not just his pay cheque.
4. Smart
You know how you feel when someone is smarter than you? The feeling of inferiority can be present, but it doesn’t have to be. If your girlfriend can think for herself, say so—and let her know that she does a good job of it!
She won’t be afraid to voice her opinion about things like politics or religion. She won’t be afraid to ask for help when she needs it. If this girl has any ambition at all, then she’ll tell you what she thinks rather than hide behind a facade of politeness just because someone might disapprove of what they said/did the first time around.
5. Independent
The best thing about your girlfriend is that she’s independent. She has her own life, and you know it. She doesn’t need to be around you all the time like a clingy girlfriend would. She also isn’t needy or overly dependent on you for things such as validation or attention; she doesn’t expect constant reassurance from you because of how much time together means to her.
In addition, she’s not a doormat—she won’t put up with any nonsense from anyone to get what she wants out of life (even if it means losing herself). This kind of self-respect can only come from being confident enough in yourself to stand up for yourself in times when other people are trying their best, not just physically but emotionally as well!
If you’ve got a girlfriend who’s considerate, loyal, and self-sufficient, she might make a great wife.
The qualities of a good wife are many, but they all have one thing in common: They’re not about her or anyone else. If your girlfriend is considerate, loyal, and self-sufficient, she might make a great wife. But if she lacks these traits, you should look elsewhere for love—or at least a better life partner.
Consider the woman who has always been there for her family and friends; the one who can put aside her wants to help others; the one who is patient with others’ mistakes and forgives them quickly (and never holds grudges); or maybe even just someone nice enough to stop by when I asked if anyone needed help moving furniture around our house last month!
Good wives also have good attitudes toward marriage as well as their husbands’ careers—they know that both sides need each other’s support for things to go smoothly between them.
So, does your girlfriend have these qualities? If so, then there’s a good chance she’ll make a great wife. She cares about you, is supportive of your goals, and will always be there when needed. She respects you and has made some sacrifices for your sake. If this sounds like the type of relationship you want with someone for the rest of your life, then go for it!