Dating an emotionally immature person can sap you of energy. An emotionally immature person will have trouble processing emotions. They will make it difficult to communicate, and they will also have trouble formulating their communications.Â
An emotionally immature person may also have trouble communicating clearly with their partner and processing their own emotions. All these hinder building a healthy relationship. Here are some signs that your partner is an emotionally immature person by a Mental Health counselor, Arouba Kabir.
1. Difficulty showing their vulnerable side
An emotionally immature person finds it difficult to communicate and express themselves. They get extremely overwhelmed easily.Â
Kabir says, “sometimes, when your partner says they don’t feel anything or nothing bothers them. It just means they are unable to process what is going on inside.”
2. Unregulated emotions
Emotionally immature people are prone to being hot-tempered, have tantrums, are extremely impulsive, and have trouble regulating their emotions when things do not go their way.
3. They make everything about them
Another sign of an emotionally immature person is that they disregard your interests and concerns. An emotionally immature person finds it hard to understand that the world doesn’t revolve around them.Â
Everything is about them, their wants and needs. They will throw in an ‘I’ at the most inappropriate time and turn the conversation to themselves.Â
4. Ineffective communication
Emotionally immature people are not vulnerable, open, kind, or honest in their communications about problems or issues they are facing in their relationships or other areas of life.Â
5. Pull away during tough times
An emotionally immature partner pulls away during stressful times. When you are going through tough times, they are not with you. You won’t find them when you are dealing with a financial issue, family crisis, health issue, and so on.Â
6. They are never wrong
They always have an excuse to make for everything that goes wrong. They love blaming everyone around them for their poor choices and never own their mistakes.
7. Take decisions without their partner
It is important to decide things together in a relationship but an emotionally immature person takes decisions without their partner. They frequently make snap decisions without giving their partner enough time to think about it.Â