I am just 30 years old and I already have grey hair. Kindly let me know if grey hair is reversible.
Olu (by SMS)
You may be able to reverse grey hair, especially if you’re under 40 and prematurely greying due to changeable factors like stress. A small study identified periods of stress-related greying and reversal in participants with an average age of 35. It’s also worth noting that stress and anxiety can cause hair loss. However, reversing your grey hair is much less likely if you’re older.
To reverse grey hair, you need enough melanocyte stem cells (McSCs), which produce pigment cells (melanocytes) for your hair. These stem cells stop working with age, and hair greying is thought to be irreversible when they do.
However, current research is limited, and more studies are needed before the reversal of grey hair in older adults can be ruled out. If scientists can find a way to reactivate those stem cells, it may be possible to permanently reverse grey hair.
READ ALSO: Stress does not manifest as white hair —Expert