We come to the world as individuals. We come also to the ministry one by one and our call is individualistic. Each person is a unique individual. Some people have lived this world before us and we hear, read, and know of the pattern or kind of life they lived and what they left behind. Our lives are influenced by the lives of others and our lives are reflected through the life of whom we read, lived with, associated with and follow. The only life worthy of model to follow as a perfect example is Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. To be a Christian is to follow Him in all things as the perfect man.
(a) It is the act of being imitators of Jesus Christ – Eph. 5:1.
(b) It is looking unto Him the author and finisher of faith – Heb. 12:2.
(c) It is the act of placing our footsteps where He once trod and made footprints – Acts 11:26.
(d) It is focusing on Him as the perfect man to follow – Ps. 37:37; John 19:4.
(e) It is a reorientation of our life to His own pattern in all situations and circumstances of life – John 14-6.
(a) It is a command to be followed – Eph. 5:1. Children take after their parents naturally and spiritually – ICor. 4:16; 11:1.
(b) Christ Himself bore the image of God in perfection. We are created in the image of God and should bear His image – Col. 1:15; Gen. 1:27.
(c) Christ is a perfect man and our model to follow in order to claim that we are His disciples – IJohn 2:6 cf; John 8:42, 44.
(d) Not following His steps indicates we are following his enemy, satan and may lead to disclaimer at last – John 10:4, 5.
(e) He is the Way, the Truth and the Life – John 14:6.
(f) The reason for the purpose of life he lived, to follow His steps – I Peter 2:21.
(a) Total submission to God: Though fully God, He became a man, a servant, Lamb of God – Phil. 2:9. Submission to Divine will, discipline and counsel.
(b) Good works: These include works of mercy, provision, healing, deliverance, helps etc. A great benefactor He is. It is His meat to do the work of Him who has sent Him and finish the work – John 4:34; Acts 10:38.
(c) Love of the unloving, unlovable and even the enemies: Jesus’ kind of love is agape love – love without self-interest. That He loved God was the foundation of His love. Though nothing is to be loved in man, yet He loved us to save us.
(d) Because of love, suffered for sin and died for sin that He hates. Man would not always want to die for what he loves. Jesus died for other people’s sin though perfectly holy – IPeter 3:18.
(e) His Holiness: No sin in Him, no thought of evil, no act of evil, no deceit or hypocrisy, no guile. He is altogether pure, holy, undefiled – IPeter 2:22-23; Heb. 4:15; 7:25.
(f) Humility: Though God to be highly exalted, He humbled himself. He practiced, lived and taught humility. Born king, yet born in the manger, rode on an ass, preached in a boat borrowed, buried in a tomb freely given – Phil. 2:7, 8; John 13.
(g) He is the Way, the Truth and the Life – John 14:6. He is the only right Way, the absolute Truth leading to God and heaven, the Life of God and the Life to God.
(h) His Meekness and Gentleness: Both are alike and similar and go together. Jesus is harmless, refined, soft, peaceful, accommodating, kind and compassionate. He is not easily offended. By His gentleness he is tender, loving and caring and he is able to endure the rudeness and harshness of others. He is humble, patient and lowly – Matt. 11:29. He is a gentle shepherd, guiding, leading, caring, embracing and comforting.
(i) Boldness and courage for the truth: His teachings were declared with power and authority. His claims are clear and unambiguous. He denounced the false teachings of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. He preached the truth, lived out the truth, defended the truth and died for the truth – Matt. 7:29; 23:13-16, 23, 25, 27, 29. The enemies observed “Never any man spoke like him.” He is our outstanding model worthy to be followed.
(a) His life, His words, deeds as read in the scriptures – John 5:39.
(b) Prayer – Prayer draws us closer to God, reveals, inspires and empowers – Lk. 22:44.
(c) The Holy Spirit: the Holy Spirit teaches, reveals, leads, empowers and emboldens us to follow – Jhn. 14:26; 15:26; 16:13.
(d) The life of the faithful patriarchs who followed to the end – Heb. 11.
There is one to follow as Leaders. To follow Him is to be like Him. It is important and the essence of being a Church Leader is to follow Him who died and rose for us. If we are not following His exemplary life, we are not His own and He may deny us. We need to reorientate our life after His and follow Him to the end. Grace to follow Him to the end be poured upon us (Amen).