THERE are some little health issues that appear inconsequential and harmless but are actually a sign of a bigger health problem. Do you leak a little when you laugh? Or you have stopped enjoying intimacy with your partner the way you used to? Is your own unusual forgetfulness or you are feeling less motivated and experiencing constant mood swings?
Many see these as minor issues that should not give them concern but should be shrugged off as being effects of stress or aging. Or is it a sign that you should see a medical practitioner?
Some seemingly harmless issuesrequire that you talk with your health care provider because the body is smart and such minor signs may be warnings about big health problems building up for later years which if caught early can curb a major problem.
Some minor health issues that may be warning of danger ahead are constipation, urinary incontinence, depression, memory problems and sexual problems.
Constipation:Â When you pass hard, dry stool less than three times a week or notice blood in your stool. This can cause hemorrhoids and other complications that can be very serious and can even be a sign that you have irritable bowel syndrome or a problem with intestinal functioning or that you rely too much on laxatives.
People accepted these and other health issues as a normal part of aging but they are not and can be treated.
Sexual problems: Are you experiencing painful intercourse, problem achieving or maintaining an erection, or low sexual desire? These can impact on your relationship negatively and affect the quality of your own life. Sexual problems may also be a signal that you need to be treated for depression, diabetes, circulation problems or low hormone levels, or that you are taking a medication that’s having side effects.
Urinary incontinence: Do you leak when you sneeze, laugh, lift something heavy or exercise? Or do you release an uncomfortable amount of pee because the urge to urinate becomes so overwhelming so quickly that you can’t get to a bathroom in time. This is urinary incontinence and a big deal as it can be a sign of health challenges like urinary tract infection, arthritis or a problem with pelvic floor muscles. It can also be a side effect of certain medications. Often, lifestyle changes and the right pelvic-floor exercises will help.
Depression: When you have low energy, irritability and a lack of interest in activities you normally enjoy, as well as appetite and sleep problems, there is a problem. Depression makes daily living difficult. It also makes taking care of your health; eating a healthy diet, exercising, getting adequate sleep and taking medications challenging. It may also be a warning sign that your stress level is too high, that a medication you take is causing side effects or that you’re grieving the loss of a relative or friend.
Memory problems: Do you have difficulty trouble remembering important information or have difficulty finding the words you need when speaking or writing or concentrating, it is a challenge. While many people experience more memory slipups as they age, most of which are normal, lapses that affect your ability to take care of yourself could impact your ability to live independently or to drive a car. Memory changes can also be a warning sign for depression and sleep problems.