The average Nigerian has the tendency to have high blood pressure which is why you need to look out for your health while going about your daily activities. There are different ways to lower your blood pressure without medication.
High blood pressure, also identified as hypertension, is a term that the average Nigerian knows about. Even children have an idea of what the term is.
This is Nigeria and the struggle is real, the problems are real and so is high blood pressure. There is an assumption that you only need drugs to keep your blood pressure in check, while that sounds cool and easy, there are simple ways to achieve this, you don’t have to always use medications to keep your blood pressure in check.
Here are simple ways to achieve normal and lower blood pressure:
1. Loss of weight
This is an effective way to lower blood pressure without medications. You might have to make little changes here and there in your diet and probably be intentional about doing exercises to achieve this. However, it is a simple way to keep blood pressure in check without having to use drugs.
2. Exercise
As simple as exercise may seem, it would take a level of dedication to do it wholeheartedly and consistently because it could sometimes pose as a hard activity to keep up with. Regardless, the goal is to be healthy right? So, giving up is not an option you want to consider. Take walks, run, exercise at home with easily accessible resources.
3. Breathe and do not panic
This sounds too simple, does it? However, it is workable. Breathe and take things a step at a time, a day at a time. When people find out that they are hypertensive, the default response could be panic and a rush of anxiety that they cannot seem to keep under control. If they knew any better they would know that it could contribute to making things worse than they probably are already.
4. Healthy diet
Your diet cannot carelessly remain the same if you want to lower your blood pressure. Some changes have to inevitably take place. Reduction of salt intake, including food rich in potassium like sweet potatoes, bananas, tomatoes and many others.
5. Consumption of salt
Reduce salt intake, and many other things like snacks that have too much oil or salt. Avoid ‘outside food’ as often as you can. Stick to homemade meals because you get to call the shots, in other words, you get to decide the quantity of salt to be included in your meals. You also get to control the intake of your salt. Outside food or roadside meals will not do that consciously for you.
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6. Alcohol
If you love alcohol you would have to deny yourself from frequently consuming it. For someone who is hoping to lower blood pressure without medications, not taking in too much alcohol is a great way to achieve this.
7. Blood pressure monitor
One of the basic necessities for you is a blood pressure monitor that will help you track what is going on with your blood pressure either daily or once in a while, it also enables you to keep track of how much progress you have made with the measures you have put in place.
8. Medicinal spices
According to Dr Cynthia Thaik, a natural cardiologist, there are medicinal spices which are helpful for reducing blood pressure without the use of medications. There are natural spices like turmeric spice, cayenne pepper, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, black pepper that can help you achieve this.
9. Sleep patterns
This should not be underestimated. You need to prioritise sleep more than ever before if you want to lower your blood pressure. Your sleep patterns need to be better and healthier.
Conclusively, with the simple ways mentioned above, you can achieve a lower blood pressure without medication. Which of the points stood out for you?