She has been in the business for a long time. In fact, she claimed that she started singing her brand of song when she was nine years old. She is a Yoruba woman and sings a type of song mostly known to her only. The song, when pronounced, almost sounds like ‘Walker.’
A few years ago, she suffered a very terrible ailment that made her bedridden and it was God that saved her from going kaput. She got married to another very popular musician that has an appellation ‘General’ attached to his stage name. The marriage crashed like a pack of badly-arranged cards.
The lady almost landed in another tragedy again a few weeks ago when some ‘bad boys’ attacked her. But for Providence, only God knows what would have happened to her.
According to Olofofos, the musician was coming from an event alongside her driver late in the night when they ran into the ‘bad boys’ and on sighting them, both the musician and the driver abandoned the vehicle and ran for their dear lives.
Olofofos told Nosey Parker that ‘the boys’ ransacked the vehicle and took away cash and other valuables before the arrival of policemen who, it was gathered, might have been called by the woman.