Using sewing machines for different purposes and not knowing its basic maintenance is not good enough. Sometimes, some sewing machines can be very annoying but the truth is one thing causes another. If you don’t have the basic knowledge on how to keep and maintain your machine to be in good working condition you will spend money and time on every little fault. If you adhere to the following guidelines you’re prolonging the lifespan of your machine.
Oil is very essential and determines how well your machine would function in terms of neat sewing and hanging when sewing. The machine has different compartments you might not be aware of; but above all you must understand that while using the machine there are areas inside and outside the machine that require constant oiling for effectiveness. Let’s just regard the sewing machine as an engine with different moving parts that needs to be oiled regularly so it doesn’t seize when using. Manuals that come with a sewing machine do contain analysis of every component and how to maintain it.
The setting of a sewing machine can get disorganized after a long time of usage. When your machine gives you a problem beyond your control it is probably time to service it. This actually means a more advanced cleaning; loosing and arranging every component of the machine. Thread dirt gets stuck inside that could hinder its function. Servicing is a thorough check of the machine, something you’re likely not able to do by yourself.
Always protect your machine from dust. The sewing machine easily catches dirt and could result into malfunctioning. Try and have a separate material that would serve as a cover for your machine when not using it. It is also important to wipe your machine with a clean napkin before every use.
You should know the kind of needle suitable for sewing different materials or fabric. Forcing a needle to sew stresses the machine. When the bobbin case is affected by the needle or the other way, always take your time to remove the needle and check if its tip hasn’t been broken or it just needs an adjustment. The bobbin case should be reset as well because it works together with the needle.