The greatest pleasure is not that which is derived through the “private parts,” but that delivered through “public participation.” Life is not all about your “mating ability,” it is everything about ‘animating’ your abilities, becoming powerful and making impact.
No power, no relevance. What political power is to a political leader is what economic power is to an entrepreneur. What spiritual power is to a religious leader is what intellectual power is to an innovator. An entrepreneur with intellectual property is as powerful as the president of a country. Everyone cannot be a doctor, but everyone can be an innovator. Everyone cannot be an engineer, but everyone can be a pioneer. Everyone cannot be a banker, but everyone can be a thinker.
Entrepreneurship not only offers you the opportunity to discover purpose, it is also an avenue to grow in intellectual power. Intellectual power births intellectual property. It is generated and not genetic. It is generated through consistent acquisition and application of knowledge and fueled by creative thinking. “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it.” – Henry Ford.
“Knowledge is power.” It has the ability to conquer the world. It not only makes you intelligent but also gives you name, fame, strength, power, money, position, all those things which we would like to possess. Above all, knowledge is the ultimate power. The more one knows, the more one will be able to control events. Wielding intellectual power is the best feeling ever. It is very fulfilling and highly rewarding. Entrepreneurs are next to God. They rule the world and control events in the social, economic and environmental domains. Innovation is the central issue in entrepreneurship and economic prosperity. Innovation is driven by knowledge, which in turn, is driven by education.
Powerful people are purpose-driven and impact-conscious individuals who constantly seek relevant knowledge in order to enhance and advance the cause of humanity. A purpose-driven life is a life of distinction and power; it separates the best from the rest. Your greatest asset is your mindset – the power to envision possibilities, animate your abilities and take responsibilities. This is the sweetest thing ever. Self-discovery is the beginning of power. Distraction is the greatest enemy of distinction. A man who lacks purpose lacks power and distracts himself with pleasure. “The greatest tragedy in life is not death but a life without purpose.” – Dr Myles Munroe. In the quote, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision,” Helen Keller uses “blindness” to emphasise how detrimental it is to have “sight but no vision.” Having the ability to see, but choosing not to live life to the fullest, is worse than being blind. Purpose is the mother of vision. Vision is the father of discipline. Discipline is power. Everything has a purpose but not all purpose is known and when purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. Are you abusing your life? “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain.
Youthfulness is usefulness. The greatest threat to the entrepreneurial economy is the loss of purpose to youthful exuberance and inordinate affection among the youths who are supposed to be vibrant thinkers and purposeful entrepreneurs. “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men and weak men create hard times.” – G. Michael Hopf. Harsh conditions make for morally pure and militarily strong people, while wealth and sophistication make for decadent societies and poor fighters. Entrepreneurs are morally pure and militarily strong individuals who are determined to live purposefully and make the world a better place.
Entrepreneurship is a spirit, leadership is its soul while the society is its body. Without the spirit, the body is dead. Without the soul, the spirit is empty. The entrepreneurial spirit is cultivated through Focus and Discipline (FDi). Entrepreneurship begins with self-leadership. Leadership is influence. Influence is power. Leadership therefore, gives value to entrepreneurship and vice versa. Leadership is the ability to set goals and create rules. It is the capacity to follow through to see that goals are accomplished and rules are followed. Entrepreneurship on the other hand, is the passion to make a difference through innovation and value creation.
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams.
You are remembered for championing a good cause and not for being a “sex champion.” You are respected for your “big vision” and not your big television. You are recognised for what drives you and not what you drive.
“The world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going.” – James Allen
This year, I challenge you to celebrate “February 14” with a revival in your mindset and not with a ‘Val’ who settles for things lesser than value. For teens and youths, stay beautiful and productive. Be youthfully useful. You’re powerfully loaded and greatly needed. Your gift is your lift, stay lifted.
The power of Focus and the focus of Power – Place a sheet of paper below the lens (convex). Adjust the distance between the lens and the paper till you get a bright spot on the paper. Hold the lens in this position for some time. OBSERVATION: After some time you will observe that the paper kept below the magnifying lens in open sunlight catches fire and starts burning.
“You are either on a mission, running with a vision or burning with a passion.” – Dr. David Oyedepo.