Research has shown that by eating breakfast to start your day, you will jumpstart your metabolism and be well on your way to reach your health goals.
Meanwhile, It is not uncommon that many people in Lagos specifically and Nigeria still skip what is regarded as the most important meal of the day, due to either busy schedule or time constraints despite its inherent benefits just like the Nutritionist, Adele Davis famously put it back in the 1960s “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper” and having described breakfast as the meal which helps the body and brain refuel after an overnight fast by The World Health Organisation (WHO).
A recent market research by NPD group as quoted by oats-overnight website, approximately 18% of males and 13% of females between the ages of 35 and 54 skip breakfast in the US. This data may not be different in Nigeria. This highlights the fact that people are always on the move, hasting to get out in the morning, hence skipping breakfast and not considering the health implications.
It has also shown that consuming breakfast greatly decreases hunger throughout the day. A report by WebMD on food recipes clarifies that this meal kick-starts consumer’s metabolism, helps to burn calories throughout the day. “It also gives you the energy you need to get things done and helps you focus at work or at school.”
It may even interest to know that a lot of people skip breakfast to avoid extra calories. By eating a high fibre, nutrient-filled breakfast early in the morning, you are actually less likely to be hungry throughout the day.
Speaking to the Assistant Brand Manager, Mamador, Omobolanle Akin-Fatodu noted the imperativeness of immense contribution of breakfast to the brains and body, including the psychic of the individual.
“Apart from providing us with energy, breakfast foods are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins, as well as protein and fibre.
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“The body needs these essential nutrients and research shows that if these are missed at breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day.
“Fruit and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals so try to include a portion of these macronutrients to your daily life, especially during the mornings; whether that be a banana or glass of fruit juice.
“Breakfast can be good for waistline too; research shows those who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight and more likely to be within their ideal weight range compared with breakfast skippers. If you skip breakfast, you’re more likely to reach for high sugar and fatty snacks mid-morning.”
Omobolanle said Mamador has introduced its Light Fat Spread as it is suitable for healthy and tasty meals, and easily accessible in homes across Nigeria.
She said the Mamador Light Fat Spread contains triple benefits which include enjoyable taste, easy-to-spread, as well as the health benefits it brings.
“Among other foods, this is one of the breakfast meals needed for healthy living because of the immense nutritional values it contains.
“It is cholesterol and trans-fat free, and contains 30 per cent daily allowance of required vitamins,” she added.
She said the spreads were launched in two variants: classic spread; and particularly, the Light Fat Spread which emphasises ‘health and taste’ benefits.
The Assistant Manager said that breakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function even as she stated that healthy breakfast should provide calories in the range of 20-35 per cent of Guideline Daily Allowance (GDA).
Speaking also, A Nutrition consultant and The Chief Executive Officer, Carib Health Ltd, Sherese Ijewere described food as fuel, adding that the imperativeness of breakfast in providing one-third of the day’s calories.
Sherese said that breakfast enhances alertness, attentiveness and focus even as it provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast.
“Food is fuel. Many studies have emphasized the importance of breakfast. If you want to make the most of your day, fuel your body early with the right stuff.
“A good breakfast is one that provides at least one-third of the day’s calories. This is also for children.
“It is essential for children to have breakfast; it keeps them alert, attentive and focused. Studies have linked healthy breakfast with less chronic diseases but increases longevity and better health.
“This is vital because breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast; that is where its name originates, breaking the fast.
“Without breakfast, you are effectively running empty, like trying to start a car with no petrol,” Sherese said.
He cautioned that the effects of a skipped breakfast are short attention span, lack of alertness, longer reaction time, low blood sugar, decreased work productivity.
The Consultant said that Glucose is the basic fuel for the brain and central nervous system, adding that a good breakfast will prevent fatigue and mid-morning irritants.