Ajofoyinbo Oluwagbemisola is a 100-level student of Mass Communication of Glorious Vision University, Edo State. She discusses her passion for drumming and what keeps her going with AYOOLA ESTHER.
What motivated you into drumming?
I guess God has different plans for everyone and give different talents to human beings. Back then, there was this guy who always came around to play drum set in my church and anytime he played it, there was always a change in atmosphere. The sound of the drumalways make a difference. So, I had a thought in my mind one day that instead of having the guy come once in a while, why didn’t I follow his footstep and play the drums every Sunday. What also backed me up was the saying that what a man can do, a woman can do better. With this, I got really motivated.
When did you start drumming?
I was only young when I realised I got the talent of drumming. So, I started drumming from the primary school days till this moment.
As a budding female drummer, what can you say about the challenges you face?
At first, it was a bit challenging, because I am the shy type who had difficulties of being bold, free and sociable. Although, I have adjusted through the help of my siblings who always smile at me every time I’m on the stage. But, I still feel shy. Shyness is one of the challenges I have being a female drummer. When I first started as a female drummer, I always felt odd when I introduce myself as a drummer in a place largely filled with men. At times, when drumming and people stare at me with amazement, I wonder what causes it. But, nevertheless, I enjoy playing the drum.
Who is your greatest motivator?
My biggest motivator remains TK Johnson who is also a female drummer like me who is based in Berkeley, United States. I also look up to Shaba Segun Ebenezer, who is also a popular professional drummer in Nigeria, and yes!, he is a young man happily married. This gives the impression that I can be a good female drummer.
What words of encouragement do you have for anyone who has a burning passion like you do?
For an upcoming drummer like me who is young, do not ever give up on your dream and never despise the days of little beginning. And remember to trust in God and believe in yourself!