You have to confess by your mouth. Confess what you want to be and you can be. Confess you salvation that’s what we did before the baptism during which we renounce the devil and accept Jesus as our personal saviour and that’s the power of salvation.
The 12 spies demonstrated confession both positively and negatively in Exodus 13: 14. Of the spies that were sent to spy the Promised Land at that time, ten confessed negatively that they were like grasshoppers to the inhabitants of Canaan. The other two — Caleb and Joshua were positive, saying that they were well able to take the Land of Promise. Their confession brought death and life respectively. We die or live by our confession. Confess the word in any situation and circumstance of life. If you say “Oh I am finished; oh I am finished then you are telling the devil that you are finished. Why should you be finished? Nothing makes you to be finished.
But when you say Satan you are a liar, then he is a liar. Confess the word of God in any situation you may find yourself. Whether life or death, it is well and that is what you should hold; it is well with your soul today. Confession of the blood of Jesus would give us confidence and victory.
Also, there is danger in engaging in other blood and sacrifices: it is dangerous, it is condemnable, it is not for your good to trust, to use, or to sacrifice blood. Those who are sacrificing human beings are going against the Lord. Those of you who are still sacrificing goat, sheep to make sure that you are successful, it is dangerous and condemnable. Therefore, in this last days don’t sacrifice any other blood, Jesus has paid the price once and for all. His blood is ever flowing still. Whenever Satan threatens you, you call Jesus’ name; he will not just be moving away because of the blood of Jesus Christ, he will fly away immediately. There is power in the blood of Jesus.
Therefore, don’t accept another blood, don’t use another blood. You see what Psalm 16:4 says: “Those who are looking for other gods their sorrow shall be multiplied; those that hasten after other gods their sorrow shall be multiplied. Their drink offering of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names from my lips”. Because the blood of animals cannot remove sin but can only cover it that’s what they were doing in the Old Testament. It doesn’t remove the sin but rather cover sin to make God to overlook it.
It is forbidden to eat blood (Ex 23:18, 29:12; Act 15:20, 29). It is forbidden for you to prepare blood in your pots, in your plate to eat. No. It is against the Law of God to eat blood. It means those of you that are still going to buy blood in the market it is an abomination,
You must know that other sacrifices apart from Jesus’ is unacceptable. It is only the blood of Jesus that is acceptable. When we kneel down and pray on the blood and the name of Jesus yes we have everything from God.
Have faith for forgiveness, healing and deliverance. By having the blood of Jesus Christ, we are overcomers. A repentant sinner receives redemption because he repented and changed. You don’t go back to sin; you get redemption. That is the doctrine of The Church that there is justification and sanctification of the believer through the finished work of Christ. Forgiveness, sanctification, and justification are received and so God has given this to us as a weapon.
You can see David with catapult stoning Goliath while the man was laughing, and he said, “You this boy, you are coming to me with catapult and stone? Am I a dog?” But the young man said, “You come to me with your weapons and you are causing me by your gods, but I come to you by the Lord of hosts, the Lord of Israel who you are defiling. In the name of that Lord of hosts I come to you”. Many of you often forget the Lord God of hosts when trouble comes. You forget the name of Jesus, and you start saying you will die: Why would you die? You shall not die but live since you have the One who has swallowed up death in victory.
God has given us a weapon and that is the name of Jesus Christ, the Blood of Jesus Christ. You get the victory through that blood for the Lord has given us the victory. By that blood Jesus Christ has made us more than conqueror. Do you want victory the blood has been given to us free of charge? You and I don’t pay money for it? Jesus didn’t take any money but he died for us. Declare it now: I am more than a conqueror.
Thus, when you trust in the blood of the lamb, your victory is guaranteed over sin, Satan, flesh and the world; you receive redemption as a repented sinner and also forgiveness, justification and sanctification by which you are made righteous. Hallelujah.