Parenting is not a function of age or the number of children that you have; it is much more than that. It is dependent on skills that you’ve got through deliberate learning and the knowledge you are able to acquire from your parenting experience. Parenting is increasingly becoming more difficult because of the proliferation of uncensored information that has permeated through our households unnoticed.
Have you noticed the upsurge in teenage suicide, rape and the explosion of illicit sexual activities among out teens and even the pre-teens? Are you worried about this? Have you thought of the cause and possible solution? Have you envisaged what our next couple of decades will look like if the status-quo remains unchanged? These are questions that should bother the minds of responsible adults and get them worried too.
It is not time to blame the government because nowhere in our laws are we compelled to bring these children here; it is completely our responsibilities. Let me share an experience that will introduce us to one of the reasons that may be responsible for this catastrophe.
Not getting to understand how our children think and their challenges and many more are difficult questions to answer and are the bane of our poor parenting today, which is leading us to a ruin as a people. Many parents don’t know that the exposure of their children to strange movies, uncontrolled access to the use of the internet, and unrestrained engagement on social media are few of the things that have exposed them to realms beyond their age.
At a young age, they are not living for now but perturbed about the future. Many children are not enjoying childhood because they have lots of fiction in their head and parents are not helping the situation either.
Oh! Our mothers, we need you to rise. Our children are now wayward, and we seem to have lack control because we are children ourselves, no thanks to the depletion in our community style of living. Now everyone is for himself and God for us all. We cannot eat our cake and have it. We cannot expose our children this much and not take responsibility for the effect of such over-exposure. The result is suicide, child depression, illicit erotic activities, lack of self-confidence etc.
Arikewuyo Abdulrafiu,
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