If you are a married man living in or emigrating to the United States/Europe, accept my condolences. Marriage is absolutely worthless in those climes: it is a suspended death certificate, the seal of slavery, the road to ruin. Your wife will be the husband and you will be the wife. The police will treat you like a terrorist if she chooses to place a call to them, and you will be bundled out of your own home before you have had time to say “Good morning Officer.” Another man will browse your wife and you will be crying “Is it fair? Is it fair?” instead of lending the bastard a dirty slap, like you would do in Nigeria. Before you make that Euro-American move, reciting foolish poetry about romance and finance, park well. Lend yourself brain, because your sweetheart will become your chief tormentor once she gains ground abroad, where their god is Woman. If you are not a born fool, how can you be the sugar in a termagant’s tea, cockroach in her cupboard and butter in her bread? What happens to sugar and butter? Consumption.And cockroach? Death. Mr woman-wrapper, are you aware that your funeral is scheduled for next month? Death walks with the child, the child is unaware: that is the oriki of the wicked Nigerian woman abroad. She will use your life to play pools. If you don’t listen to me, surely your future will.
Unless you married right, that darling of yours is going to become your chief tormentor, a public toilet, the queen of crass, the destroyer of your family cohesion. She will feed you with sawdust. You will work like a horse and die like cotton wool (Wa ku tue). She will sieve you like ogi and drink your blood with relish. She will take great pleasure in wrecking your life and turning you into a philosopher wishing for night at dawn. You will pay child support but you will be locked up if you dare to correct that child. You will have no say over his/her schooling, or anything. And what’s worse, the child, with his/her mind poisoned by the mother, isn’t going to have the slightest regard for you. Without thinking, many of you hook up with demons, saying, “My wife, my future!!” Which future? Prepare for mornmare, noonmare and nightmare. Your Darling will beat up your visiting parents, make false reports about you to the senseless police, and send you to jail. Euro-America is all about justice for women, not men. Be wise.
You will make money but Euro-America will collect it from you and give you diabetes and cancer, and you will die a miserable old fool. Don’t take any brute to America, thinking you can build an American dream. American dream is dead. Euro-America, the global capital of adultery, will lock you up for stalking the man who touched your wife, like they do in the UK with pride.
Have you read the heartrending story of the young Nigerian doctor who chose to end it all after being forced to pay humongous child support, having his license seized and being bundled out of his own home, and of the respected Nigerian Professor of English who chose to send himself and his wife to hell with a hail of bullets? Well, women have nuclear capabilities in Euro-America where they receive worship. Many of them behave like psychiatric patients. Drunken with arrogance, they make this world a lifemare, not just a nightmare, for their husbands. They treat their husbands like trash, have sex with strangers and dare their husbands to do their worst. Some of them will be utterly destroyed should they ever step foot on Nigerian soil.
One Dr Van something, the father-in-law of the self-slain doctor, wants the world to believe that the man who would kill no one but himself was the supremely wicked one, not the excuse of a wife who will now collect child support in the mortuary. You can hate or rail at me all you want; it’s for your ruin. The bully of a father-in-law exults in his daughter’s living status and portrays the young man driven to desperation to take his own life as the devil himself, but he forgets that sometimes a bitch avoids death so she can die in utter disgrace. I refuse to accept the thesis that a young man who ends it all out of deadly pressure from a warped legal system and a deranged bitch banking on devious child support payments married the paragon of character. The ghastly excuse of a father-in-law, shooting down the local dictum that it is with the eyes, not the mouth, that an elder reacts quickly (oju l’agba ma n ya, agba ki ya’nu), chose the role of Senior Advocate of Stupidity (SAS), pouring fire into the pain of the bereaved family. He sounded like a lead demon.
Would a good wife have hastened her husband to suicide? The wife in question wants a trophy for taking care of her kids “100 percent”; it’s hard to imagine a more despicable moron. Are mothers supposed to care for their children 30 percent? And you Naija-based parents of wicked daughters, you had better go and tie up your evil breed that would have been better off as miscarriages.
Now to the worthless women. Euro-America can give you all the power you don’t deserve and you can treat your husband like trash all you want, but many of you won’t die peacefully (E o ni f’owo ro’ri ku). Your man may lie under the cold earth but you will not have rest. That sharp razor mouth of yours will buy you misfortune very soon, you evil bunch of what-can-husband-dos (Egbe Kilokoose). You wigged, Brazilian-haired harlots, has someone told you yet that it shall not be well with you? Many of you will perish in the revolt that lies ahead wherein men will fight back.
Some of you bitchy women will wish you never had your own children when the time is ripe; when they grow up and realize you killed their father, hand in glove with Euro-America and its courts that wage war against men as an Article of Faith. According to Euro-America, once a man has something to do with a woman, he is her slave for life. Men going their own way (MGTOW) is a joke; the real protest is just ahead.
Moral of my story: marry right or take the next available flight to hell.
Re: Of G.Os and their theological garbage
Garbage theology indeed! Lk 6:38 has settled everything. It says: give and it shall be given to you regardless of your status. Jesus Christ gave throughout his life to the point of death! I don’t know where it is written in the Holy Bible that men of God should not give. They are selfish. Their followers should be wise these days. Well done sir.
Rev Oladimeji Michael: 0802 385 2901
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