I want to know why a doctor want to would know a patient’s occupation? How is that relevant to the patient’s health?
George (by SMS)
A doctor may ask a patient about their occupation in order to gain insight into potential risk factors for certain health conditions. For example, a patient who works in a manual labour job may be at a higher risk for musculoskeletal injuries while a patient who works in a high –stress job may be at a higher risk for mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression. Additionally, a patient’s occupation may provide insight into their overall lifestyle and habits which can also impact their health. For example, a patient who works long hours or has a sedentary job may be at a higher risk for obesity and other health problems. Overall, understanding a patient’s occupation can help a doctor gain a better understanding of their overall health and make more informed decisions about their care. It will provide a better and more accurate diagnosis of their medical issue.