My 65-year-old dad has cataracts in both eyes. The attending doctor wants to operate on the eyes but my father is afraid of surgery. I will be grateful if you can kindly let me know the kind of drug we can use for him
Hilary (by SMS)
Cataracts develop when protein builds up in the lens of the eye and makes it cloudy. This keeps light from passing through clearly. It can cause loss of vision. If the vision can be corrected with glasses or contacts, your doctor will give you a prescription. If it can’t, the doctor will recommend cataract surgery as in the case of your father. The operation is very simple and safe in the hands of an expert. It is done on an outpatient basis, meaning your father can go home the same day. The surgeon will remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a man-made one. More than 95% of people who have this done say they can see better afterward. Your father has nothing to worry about and should go for the surgery.