Both armies were ready for the historical battle. The Prophet (SAW) turned to Allah (SWT) in prayers. The immediate indicator of the efficacy of the Prophet’s prayers was that one of the Quraish infidels, Athabath ibn Rabiah, felt that the great battle of Badr should be called off forthwith. He sold his opinion to the Quraish warmongers, many of whom actually bought into the idea. But Abu Jahli, on being informed of this idea, condemned Athabath ibn Rabiah for being a coward. Abu Jahli vowed that there would never be any retreat or surrender on the battle drawn against the Prophet (SAW) and his followers.
The first blood was drawn from one of the infidels named Aswad ibn Asad Al-Makhsumi. He deliberately insisted that he must take a drink from the Muslims water-well, or he would render the entire well-water impure for the Muslims to drink from. He also made known his readiness to die if prevented from either of the two options. True to his words, he made straight for the water-well, even as Hamzat ibn Abdul Muthalib appeared and confronted him. Hamzat ibn Abdul Muthalib wounded him with the sword on the knee-caps. Yet, the infidel crawled towards the water-well. At this stage, Hamzat ibn Abdul Muthalib was left with no other option than to execute the recalcitrant Quraish infidel. Now, the Prophet (SAW) spoke to his men on the themes of steadfastness, perseverance and patience as parts of the qualities to overcome the enemies of Islam.
The battle began with three men from among the infidels, namely Ahabat ibn Rabiah, his kinsman Shaebat and Walid, his son, came out to square up to three men from among the Muslims’ camp. The three Quraish infidels however declined slugging it out with the three Muslims. The Muslims were the Ansar. The infidels would only prefer to engage the Muhajir, their fellow Quraish from Mecca but who had migrated to Al-Madinah with the Prophet (SAW). Three other men who were Muhajir took up the challenge to fight each of the infidels. The Muhajir’s names were Ubaedat ibn Harith, Hamzah ibn Abdul Muthalib and Aliy ibn Abu Talib. At the end of the battle, Hamzah ibn Abdul Muthalib and Aliy ibn Abu Talib succeeded in killing their challengers.
As the battle was gained momentum, the Sahabah (dedicated companions of the Prophet (SAW)) remained faithful and committed to Message. They had listened to the teachings and sermons of the Prophet (SAW) and struggled among themselves in healthy competitions. The Prophet admonished the Sahabah on the virtues they had to imbibe and demonstrate as faithful followers of Allah (SWT), particularly at the time of the great battle of Badr. He told them not to despair in the face of difficult situations. He admonished the Sahabah and by extension the entire Muslim Ummah to always exhibit steadfastness, perseverance, patience and on taqwa (forbearance, fear of Allah and abstinence in piety). The Prophet (SAW) taught them: “Never you lift your swords against the enemy until your conscience bids you. In situation whereby men come after you, never you employ your sword, but use the arrow and the spear. Use the sword only when they come upon you to overpower you.”
The Prophet (SAW) surprised with the way one of the Sahabah, Sawad ibn Gaziyyat, demonstrated his faithfulness when Rasulullah (SAW) tried to take command of the army of men on his side. The Prophet (SAW) called for the men to take positions on straight lines. Rasulullah used a long stick to straighten the lines. As the stick touched Sawad ibn Gaziyyat on the belly when Rasulullah (SAW) reached the exact spot the Sahabah stood, he called the attention of the Prophet (SAW). He said, “O Rasulullah! You just injured me. You are the Messenger of Allah. You represent fairness and equity which you have been sent to propagate among humans and jinns. Therefore, O Rasulullah! I have to take revenge on the injury which you inflicted on me a while ago.” The Prophet (SAW) promptly invited Sawad ibn Gaziyyat to move closer and encouraged him to go ahead and avenge himself. Lo and behold! Sawad ibn Gaziyyat moved forward to rub his body with that of the Prophet (SAW), and upon being questioned by the Prophet (SAW) on his purpose of what the Sahabah just did, Sawad ibn Gaziyyat declared, “O Rasulullah! Being here with you is certain. We are blessed being here with you. I inclined in my heart to perfect my departure from this world, a fulfilled one by this singular act of touching and robbing my skin against yours.” The Prophet (SAW) was emotional. He made a special prayer for the Sahabah. After this event, the Prophet (SAW) retreated to his tent. He went into a recluse of very fervent prayer mode, so much that Abu Bakre had to convince him to believe that Allah (SAW) had promised the Prophet (SAW) divine help in all affairs, and went on to reassure the Prophet (SAW) that Allah (SWT) would always be there to meet his needs. With this, Rasulullah (SAW) came out of his tent, and the revelation in Surah Al-Qamar (Q 54:45) was rendered to foretell the outcome of the great battle of Badr.
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