There are so many things people will love to teach, books to publish, speeches to put together and songs to compose but there’s no motivation from within seeing how people are driven toward the depth of lack. It is logical to demand that people who obviously can’t make you feel special shouldn’t make you feel insignificant but does this work?
How can you teach personal development in an environment where professionals are treated like vassals? The market is saturated with abuse and clients want quality but would not admit their inability to afford it till you deliver.
Every passion you develop while working on a project is dashed when you consider the possibility of your client turning on you for the sake of avoiding the incidence of payment even when you have over delivered on your part.
Insensitivity happens by choice not by nature as gathered, because human beings have feelings. It’s just that there are some who pretend not to feel and some who act so blind not to see. People making fraudulent appearances are everywhere in every circle waiting for who to ensnare, using their positions or clout to take advantage of creatives and bourgeoning start ups.
These days the silence is always deafening once these folks get what they want. You become a torn in their flesh each time you call for what is lawfully yours. Ask for it in advance and the emotional blackmail of “it’s all about the money” is enacted. The attitude is not just common with individuals, but worse in the public sector, where you have to continuously give inducements just to make people do their jobs and contend with the exploitative “Happy Weekend” folks.
Bills are pilling for you while yours are not being paid and you think to yourself “what exactly am I doing wrong?” you change strategy and attend business tonic classes but every rule in the book seem outlandish and useless in this part of town.
The level of greed is towering and things are looking bleak for honest people. It’s as if talents and skills don’t pay anymore with the rabid affinity for thieving and instant gratification. Trust is now almost extinct and mediocrity soars in high places…just look at what we call government! I read somewhere of late that foreigners are beginning to say: “It’s time to stop laughing at Nigerian scammers – because they’re stealing billions of dollars.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/business/wp/2018/06/12/its-time-to-stop-laughing-at-nigerian-scammers-because-theyre-stealing-billions-of-dollars/?noredirect=on&__twitter_impression=true
However condescending that may sound, we sure have a lot of work to do because this stains us all. We are mostly judged by our society. Regardless of how reputable, responsible, credible, conscientious, capable, influential, popular or charismatic we may be as a person, people (foreigners mostly) will take the perception of our society, community and people out on us. I need not say more to those who have witnessed first hand the stereotypical treatment meted to anyone holding a green passport internationally.
You may ask what about the Church? There are Godly people there who are responsible and respectable enough to say what they mean and mean what they say….this may be true but permit me to also warn that “the Devil goes to church.” https://medium.com/@segalink/the-devil-goes-to-church-segalink-8cbf6c69c01a?source=linkShare-6438587c06fe-1529100886
No doubt it is time we begin to show the world the part of Nigerians they are yet to witness. It is time to live by example, influence and impact others enough to raise awareness towards striving for a New Nigeria. Righteous calls don’t win battles but determination, blood and sacrifice. This is the time to form strategic alliances across spectrum. It is time to be our brother’s keeper and know that we are society.
To all the credible people out there, you are not alone and I believe it’s only darkest before dawn. Value yourself and conquer yourself first. If you don’t value yourself, then you will be attracted to people who don’t value you either. The question for each of us is not what we would do if we had the means, time, influence, and educational advantages, but what we will do with the things we have.
We are not products of our circumstances but a product of our decision.
Nigeria will live again…if we all decide to apply ourselves.