IN the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
The Qur’an says: “Indeed, We revealed it [the Qur’an] during the Night of Power. And what can make you know what the Night of Power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.” [Quran 97:1-5]
As Muslims, you must have heard of Laylatul Qadr or the Night of Power. It is one of the most important nights in the Islamic calendar and is observed during the last 10 nights of Ramadan. Laylatul Qadr holds immense significance for Muslims all over the world.
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Laylatul Qadr commemorates the night when the first verses of the Noble Quran were revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It is said that the angel Jibreel (Gabriel) came to the Prophet SAW while he was in a cave on Mount Hira and revealed the first few verses of Surah Al-Alaq. This was the beginning of the revelation of the Quran, which continued for the next 23 years.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that the Night of Power is one of the last ten nights of Ramadan and that it is a night of peace and blessings. The night is said to be calm and peaceful, and the sky is clear and bright. There is a sense of tranquility in the air, and it feels as if the whole world is at peace.
The benefits of this night are many, which showcase the importance of Laylatul Qadr in Islam. It is a night of forgiveness, mercy, and blessings. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that whoever prays on this night with faith and sincerity will have all their past sins forgiven. It is also said that whoever stays up all night in prayer on this night will be rewarded with the equivalent of worshiping Allah SWT for a thousand months, which is more than 83 years. It is a night of spiritual rejuvenation and a chance to seek Allah’s forgiveness and blessings.
Abu Huraira (RA) reported: The Prophet SAW said, “Whoever stands in prayer during the Night of Decree, with faith and hoping for its reward, will have all of their previous sins forgiven.” (Sahih Bukhari)
This hadith highlights the immense benefits and importance of Laylatul Qadr. It is a night of forgiveness, where Allah SWT forgives the sins of those who sincerely seek His mercy and forgiveness. It is a chance for us to turn to Allah and seek His guidance and blessings.
As Muslims, we should strive to make the most of this blessed night by engaging in prayer, recitation of the Quran, and seeking Allah’s forgiveness and mercy. We should also remember that Allah’s SWT mercy and forgiveness are not limited to just one night, but are available to us throughout the year. We should strive to engage in acts of worship and seek Allah’s SWT blessings and guidance every day.
Additionally, we can also use this opportunity to give in charity and help those in need. Allah loves those who give in charity and helps the poor and needy. Giving charity on Laylatul Qadr can increase our rewards and blessings.
And remember, “Whoever gives charity equal to a date from good (halal) earnings – for Allah does not accept anything but that which is good – Allah will take it in His right hand and tend it for the one who gave it as any one of you tends his foal, until it becomes like a mountain.” (Sahih Bukhari)
This hadith suggests the importance of Laylatul Qadr and that of giving charity to those in need.
One of the reasons why Laylatul Qadr is kept a secret from us is to encourage us to seek it out. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that the Night of Power is hidden in the last ten nights of Ramadan, and we should search for it during these nights. By keeping the exact night a secret, Allah encourages us to worship Him with devotion and sincerity throughout the last ten nights of Ramadan, and not just on one particular night.
The exact date of Laylatul Qadr is unknown, although it is thought to occur on an odd night in the last ten days of Ramadan (e.g. the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27 or 29th night). The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Seek it in the last ten days, on the odd nights,” (Hadith, Bukhari and Muslim).
When Lady Aisha (may Allah be well pleased with her) asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) “O Messenger of Allah, if it is Laylatul Qadr, then what should I supplicate with?” he replied with the famous dua: “Allahumma, innaka Afuwwun Karimun, tuḥibbu al-afwa fa‘afu anna” – “O Allah, indeed You are Pardoning and Generous; You love to pardon, so pardon us.”
Many Muslims choose to spend the last ten days of Ramadan in seclusion (i’tikaf), where one solely focuses on worshipping Allah and refrains from involvement in worldly affairs. It is a time to reflect, increase worship and to increase one’s religious knowledge, seeking closeness to Allah. This seclusion usually takes place at the central mosque so that one will have opportunity to pray Jumua’t service on Friday that falls within the days.
The sunnah is to remain in i’tikaf for ten days but as a minimum it can be one day and one night. I’tikaf is a great opportunity to reconnect with Allah SWT in solitude. It is also a time to implement good religious practices which can be carried on throughout the whole year.
To this end, Laylatul Qadr is a night of immense significance in Islam. It is a night of forgiveness, mercy, and blessings, and an opportunity for us to seek Allah’s SWT forgiveness and guidance. Let us make the most of this night by engaging in prayer (compulsory-solat), recitation of the Qur’an, performing Nawafils (optional prayers) and seeking Allah’s SWT mercy, grace, and blessings.