At what point did you receive the call?
I am from Otun-Ekiti, but I was born and bred in Akure, Ondo State. I had no formal education because I left school when I was in Primary Two. This was as a result of the kind of vision I was seeing while in class then. It was a strange experience for me back then to the extent that I could not comprehend it. So, I had to withdraw and later venture into business before I received the calling. I was into second-hand clothing business. I used to travel to Cotonou in Benin Republic to get them. I received the call in the 1984, but I started ministry fully in 1987. It took a lot of time before I succumbed to God. I didn’t heed the call until God revealed Himself to me. The greatest sign that terrified me was the day I lost my sense on a business trip to Cotonou, which made me return to Nigeria and to my surprise, I later realised that I was trapped in a downpour around Oshodi. The downpour only descended on me. I was hearing sounds of thunders and in a twinkle of an eye, I was drenched. Surprisingly, two men in white attire came to my rescue. They drove me in a Mazda to Akure. We never had any conversation throughout the journey and effort to thank them when they dropped me at my house became abortive as they disappeared. When I was about to run away, God spoke to me that those two men were His Angels and that if I didn’t adhere to His call, I would face more hardship than that. I was trained at CAC, Oke-Ilisa in Akure for 19 years before I started my church 24 years ago.
How have you been coping as a church founder despite your lack of education?
Personally it has been worrisome, but God has taken care of that. I have made efforts to upgrade myself and God has sealed it with a divine encounter. I remember I personally went before God about this challenge on a prayer mountain and during the encounter, I was surrounded by a storm and I saw a hand putting a complete Bible in my mouth and a voice commanded me to read. Since then, I can read as well as interpret every verse in the Bible.
What has God revealed to you for 2020?
God has spoken and the things He had revealed are not to scare people, but to take caution as well as urge people to abide with Him. God has spoken to me in many ways concerning our nation and I have been praying for His divine mercy upon us. I am not saying this to scare anybody, it is for us to realign our ways. Part of the prophesies revealed to me is that a very popular and powerful politician will die this year and his death will shake the present administration. Mark my words, there will be some strange changes too, especially the climate change. Lagos should pray against recurrent fire incidents.
How do you intend to impact lives through your upcoming annual prayer convention?
We are grateful to God for the grace to hold this year’s convention tagged: “Finger of God writing in the Rainbow.” It will hold from January 26 to February 2 at the church auditorium. I received the vision of this convention on a prayer mountain. While I was praying and God showed me a rainbow, then I saw a handwriting in that rainbow. I am confident that God will manifest Himself in the lives of many people through this convention and also use it as a channel to liberate the country. We are all interested in the peace and unity of this nation and we will not relent in our prayers for the establishment of absolute peace.