If the greatest enemy, foe and adversary of self-confidence is trepidation, fear and apprehension, then the greatest enemy of human...
Read moreDetailsA few days ago, I was in my house—watching a movie and in the course of watching it, I was...
Read moreDetailsKnowing by experience, it takes a very long time for a great leader to cook. In other words, no one...
Read moreDetailsOne of the major goals for setting this life-changing-platform up is to cause a major mind-shift in Nigeria and on...
Read moreDetailsA few days ago, one of the leading real estate companies in Nigeria invited me to handle a training session...
Read moreDetailsTo start with, expectancy is a wonderful proactive and intentional word for seeking out significance. People with expectancy plan not...
Read moreDetailsWhat is good becomes bad, when it is done at the wrong time. Also, it is good to be hushed...
Read moreDetailsAbout 25 years ago, I woke up with a burning desire to grow and change everything around me, but I...
Read moreDetailsIn a speech given in 1933, American president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, addressing a nation mired in a Depression and on...
Read moreDetailsFailure can be demoralizing, but only if you’d let it be. Here are some of the inspiring lessons you can...
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© 2023 Tribune Online, an online publication of African Newspapers of Nigeria Plc. All Rights Reserved.