A review of Gbenga Lawal’s This Space: Your Place: Finding Your Path to Purpose.
GBENGA Lawal, through his book, This Space: Your Place: Finding Your Path to Purpose, is revealing to people how to go about self-discovery.
The 11-chapter book navigates complex maze of finding one’s purpose in a world often defined by relevance. With the roadmap that explores the differences between relevance and significance, the transformative power of self-discovery and the untapped potential unique gifts, the book becomes an invaluable compass for those seeking meaningful existence.
The first chapter, Relevance and Significance, highlights the difference between the two. According to the author, relevance is about occupying a position of importance in a particular context or space; it is about fame, position, affluence, power, authority and possessions, while significance delves deeper; the author further reveals that significance is an echo of our deepest purpose, resonating with our truest sense of fulfillment.
Therefore, while one may be relevant in a particular field, area or sector, it is the legacy one leaves behind that signifies one’s significance.
That first chapter goes further in examining popularity and significance, as well as why relevance does not guarantee significance.
The second chapter, Discovering Who You Are, the author highlights ways through which one can discover oneself, including consulting one’s Creator, identifying passions and recognising unique problems one can solve. He also advises against comparing individual journeys, which he said can be detrimental as people are born to run different races.
Unleashing Your Gift is the title of the third chapter, and it encourages people to identify their gifts and look at ways they can benefit the society with such gifts. This chapter can also be linked with the fourth chapter, Your Gift and Leadership, where the author explains how one can lead with one’s gifts.
In the fifth chapter, the author deals with ‘The Importance of Purpose.’ Here, he says purpose is not just about personal ambitions or goals, but about making a difference in the lives of others.
Therefore, having understood the importance of one’s purpose, the sixth chapter, Discovering Your Place,’ comes to the fore. Here, the author shares insights into how one can discover one’s place in life. He also gives the pertinent questions to ask oneself, like, ‘What Do I really Want in Life? and How Do I get to My Place of Purpose?
Subsequent chapters, Making Your Place Matter, Overcoming Barriers to Fulfilling Your Purpose, The Role of Success and Fulfillment In Your Life, Turning Challenges Into Opportunities and The Importance of Starting Afresh, all create a roadmap for people on how to live fulfilling lives.
Published by Opulent Books, This Space: Your Place: Finding Your Path to Purpose will help give direction to the lives of readers, especially in a world where the struggle for daily living and material acquisitions have made a mess of purposeful living. It is, therefore, recommended for all categories of people.