A leopard (amotekun) shall watch over” their cities. Wherefore a lion out of a forest shall slay them, and a wolf of the evenings shall spoil them, a leopard shall watch over their cities, every one that goes out thence shall be torn in pieces because their transgressions are many and their backsliding are increased – Jeremiah 5:6 King James Version.
I was reading online newspapers last week when my eyes caught what the legal luminary in South West, Chief Afe Babalola revealed unambiguously on the position of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the legality of the Regional security outfit put in place by the South West Governors.
The legal colossus of Yoruba extraction said: “In my opinion, the act has been done. Amotekun had been launched, let them go on. Anybody that feels what they have done is wrong can go to court. They will meet the governors there. All the governors would have to do is to show them the law, the constitution, Sections 24, 40, 45.
The legal luminary has told us the position of the law. As a Christian cleric, I want to show in plain language the divine angle of the Amotekun. The Book of Jeremiah, Chapter Five and verse six proceeds “as leopard (amotekun) shall watch over their cities”. This is the Bible, the word of God. Let us see the reason Leopard has to be employed to watch over their cities.
The particular text opens with the havoc done by two carnivorous animals: lion and wolf. “Therefore a lion out of the forest shall slay them”. This is metaphoric statement. This speaks of lion of herdsmen, kidnappers, armed robbers, rapists, and ritualists etc. that have been slaying innocent people in their fatherland.
A group of people has invaded the Yoruba land to spoil us. They spoil our farms, our men, our women and children and our future. They go on rampage, destroying the sweats of the farmers.
Then, something happened: “a leopard (amotekun) shall watch over their cities, every one that goeth thence shall be torn in pieces because their transgressors are many…” Therefore, a leopard (amotekun) shall be in place to watch over Yoruba cities. Prophet Jeremiah pointed out that the employment of a leopard would be the only solution, to the calculated and intentional destruction of the lion and the wolf in Yoruba land. When this leopard (amotekun) is employed to watch over Yoruba cities, any lion or wolf that enters into Yoruba territory shall be torn to pieces. This is the Biblical prophecy from prophet Jeremiah.
This is the divine angle of the formation of “Operation Amotekun” by the South West Governors. It is God that hates injustice that put the idea into the minds of these Governors though they may not be aware of the existence of this powerful prophecy. Therefore, as Amotekun is constitutionally rooted in the constitution, it is also rooted in the Bible. God is the brain behind operation amotekun and anything that is initiated by God cannot be uprooted by human beings or any government.
Therefore, we wish to encourage the people and government in South West to continue with the remarkable efforts to secure the zone and in addition, galvanize the Amotekun initiation with surveillance security technology for vet-time monitoring and not forgetting to console a future activation of enabling law.
Moses Akinyetun