I have heard a lot about Gall Stones. In view of this, I will appreciate it if you can kindly let me know more about Gallstones.
Esther (by SMS)
Gallstones are stones or lumps that develop in the gallbladder or bile duct when certain substances harden. People with gallstones may not experience symptoms unless their gallbladder becomes inflamed. The gallbladder is a small sac located on the right-hand side of the body, on the underside of the liver.
Some of the chemicals that exist in the gallbladder can solidify into either one large stone or several small ones. The primary symptom is pain that comes on suddenly and quickly gets worse. This pain can occur on the right side of the body, just below the ribs, between the shoulder blades, or in the right shoulder.
Other symptoms include: nausea, vomiting, sweating and restlessness. If a gallstone is made of cholesterol, it can sometimes be slowly dissolved with ursodeoxycholic acid. This type of treatment, known as dissolution, may take up to 24 months to be effective.
It is not as effective as surgery but is sometimes the only choice for people who cannot have a general anesthetic. A doctor can also use ultrasonic shock waves to break up gallstones. If gallstones become small enough, they can then pass safely in a person’s stools. This type of treatment is uncommon and is only used when there are few gallstones present. People with gallstones should eat a balanced diet with regular meals. This will not cure gallstones, but it can have a positive impact on any symptoms and pain.
Avoiding foods high in saturated fats such as butter, hard cheese, cakes, and cookies can help reduce the risk of gallstones developing. Cholesterol is thought to have a role in forming gallstones.
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