IN the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Almighty Allah says in Holy Qur’an, Anbiyaa, 21:106-108 thus, “Verily in the (Qur-ān) Is a Message for people Who would (truly) worship God. We sent thee (Muhammad) not, but As a mercy for all creatures. Say: “What has come to me By inspiration is that Your God is One God: Will ye therefore bow To His Will (in Islam)?”
The birthday of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is called Maolud Nabiyyi. It is being celebrated worldwide on the 12th day of Rabiul-Awwal to reflect on the life and times of the Seal of Prophets. The Holy Qur’an, Ahzab, 33:40 confirms, “Muhammad is not The father of any Of your men, but (he is) The Apostle of God, And the Seal of the Prophets: And God has full knowledge Of all things”.
The birthday of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is being celebrated to ponder over the message of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that is universal, complete, and binding on mankind in all ages (Qur’an 4:29; 7:158). The Holy Qur’an, Saba, 34:28 says, “We have not sent thee But as a universal (Messenger) To men, giving them Glad tidings, and warning them (Against sin), but most men Understand not”.
The Maolud Nabiyyi is being celebrated to further the teaching of the Holy Qur’an that was revealed to mankind through Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that remains uncorrupted till eternity to serve as a witness, glad tidings, and a warner (Qur’an 15:87; 16:44; 17:82; 26:192; 41:42). The Holy Qur’an, Muhammad, 47:2 says, “But those who believe And work deeds of Righteousness, and believe In the (Revelation) sent down To Muhammad—for it is The Truth from their Lord, —He will remove from them Their ills and improve Their condition”. “Nay, this is A Glorious Qur-ān (Inscribed) in a Tablet Preserved! (Qur’an 85:21-22). More so, “We have, without doubt, Sent down the Message; And We will assuredly Guard it (from corruption)”.
Really, the birthday of the Prophet is being celebrated as a sober reflection on the humble life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the spread of Islam in the world, the practice of the Islamic faith, and the demise of the perfect leader for mankind (Qur’an 36:1; 48:8-9). The Holy Qur’an, A’raf, 7:158 says, “Say: “O men! I am sent unto you all as the apostle of God to Whom belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth: there is no god but He: it is He that giveth both life and death. So, believe in God and His apostle the unlettered Prophet who believed in God and His words: follow him that (so) ye may be guided.”
The birth of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is being celebrated to appreciate his sufferings, mockery, humiliation, abuses, insults, and near killing in the hands of the idolaters on the Propagation of Islam (Qur’an 68:2; 81:22; 25:41-42; 34:7-8; 69:40-43). The Holy Qur’an, A’raf, 7:184 says, “Do they not reflect? Their companion is not seized with madness: he is but a perspicuous warner”. After all, “When they see thee, They treat thee no otherwise Than in mockery: “Is this The one whom God has sent As an apostle?” “He indeed would well-nigh Have misled us from Our gods, had it not been That we were constant To them! ”—Soon will they Know, when they see The Penalty, who it is That is most misled In Path! (Qur’an 25:41-42). More so, “That this is Verily the word Of an honoured apostle; It is not the word Of a poet: Little it is Ye believe! Nor is it the word Of a soothsayer: Little admonition it is Ye receive. (This is) a Message Sent down from the Lord Of the Worlds” (Qur’an 69:40-43).
No doubt, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) deserves our annual celebration of his birthday, because of his compassion for his followers, love for the believers, his heart distressed for the righteous, and dedication to the Muslims (Qur’an 15:97; 16:127; 18:6; 25:3). The Holy Qur’an, Ahzab, 33:6 affirms, “The Prophet is closer To the Believers than Their own selves, And his wives are Their mothers. Blood-relations Among each other have Closer personal ties, In the Decree of God, Than (the Brotherhood of) Believers and Muhajirs: Nevertheless do ye What is just to your Closest friends: such is The writing in the Decree (Of God)”.
And of course, Maolud Nabiyyi is being celebrated to give thanks to Allah for sending Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as a mercy to mankind (Qur’an 21:107); to ask for continued blessings on the Prophet as Allah and His Angels send blessings on him (Qur’an 33:56); and to seek for Allah’s continued guidance, protection and blessing through the blessings of Muhammad (SAW). The Almighty Allah declares in Holy Qur’an, Ahzab, 33:56, “God and His Angels Send blessings on the Prophet Muhammad: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, And salute him with all respect”.
Indeed, the birth of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on Monday, 12th day of Rabiul-Awwal 570 A. D.; his call to prophethood on a Monday; his receipt of first revelation on Monday; and his passing to great beyond on MONDAY, June 8, 632 A.D. (13th Day of Rabiul-Awwal, 11 A.H.), ten years after Hijrah cannot be by accident or a coincidence but by divine design. They must have religious importance and spiritual blessing. After all, the Holy Prophet says in an authentic hadith that “I fast on Monday because I was born on Monday, called to prophethood on Monday, and received first revelation on a Monday (Yaoma-Ithnain)” (Sahih Bukhari and Muslim).
Really, the celebration of Maolud Nabiyyi signifies five things because Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was sent by Allah in five capacities. His humble birth by his mother, Aminah in the rocky obscured and poor city of Makkah in Saudi Arabia signified arrival of a witness to all men about the spiritual truths which had been obscured by ignorance or superstition, or by the doubt of sectarian controversy. He did not come to establish a new religion or sect, but to teach the religion of Islam, the oneness of God which was preached by previous Prophets. He is also a witness to God for those who accept God as their saviour alone and against those who reject His oneness (Qur’an 4:41). The Holy Qur’an 4:40-44 says, “Those who pervert The Truth in Our Signs Are not hidden from Us. Which is better? —he that Is cast into the Fire, Or he that comes safe through On the Day of Judgement? Do what ye will: Verily He seeth (clearly) All that ye do. Those who reject the Message When it comes to them (Are not hidden from Us). And indeed, it is a Book Of exalted power. No falsehood can approach it from before or behind it: It is sent down By One Full of Wisdom, Worthy of all Praise. Nothing is said to thee That was not said To the apostles before thee: That thy Lord has At His command (all) Forgiveness As well as a most Grievous Penalty. Had We sent this as A Qur-ān (in a language) Other than Arabic, they would Have said: “Why are not Its verses explained in detail? What! (a Book) not in Arabic And (a Messenger) an Arab?” Say: “It is a guide And a healing to those Who believe; and for those Who believe not, there is A deafness in their ears, And it is blindness in their (eyes): They are (as it were) Being called from a place Far distant!”
Though born fatherless as his father, Abdullahi, died before his birth and became orphan at the age of six, the birth of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) portends the arrival of the bearer of Glad Tidings and Mercy of God. He came to awaken the spirit of men that no matter how they transgressed, they have hope if they believe, repent, and live a good life.
Though married at age of twenty-five to a wealthy widow of forty, Khadijat and called to prophethood at age of forty, the El-Amin i.e., the trustworthy was born as a warner to those who are needless, He came to warn us that this life will not last and there is a future life that is eternal everlasting and all important where all shall reap the fruit of their good or bad deed on earth (Qur’an 7:184, 188; 15:89; 53:56-62).
The Holy Qur’an, Al-Insan, 76:1-6 says, “Has there not been over man a long period of time, when he was nothing— (not even) mentioned? Verily We created man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to try him: So We gave him (the gifts) of hearing and sight. We showed him the Way: Whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will). For the rejecters We have prepared chains, yokes and a blazing fire. As to the righteous, they shall drink of a cup (of wine) mixed with kafur, — a fountain where the devotees of God do drink, making it flow in unstinted abundance.”