OVER 70 global experts in education including ministers of education, presidents and vice chancellors of universities, professors, principals and teachers from 21 countries will participate at the Peace Education Development Forum for Spreading a Culture of Peace in Seoul, Republic of Korea on September 17.
The event is part of an annual programme of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), an international NGO under the United Nations Department of Public Information (UN DPI).
According to HWPL, the forum will address in-depth discussions in “the establishment of a network for global educators to co-develop education contents and spreading a culture of peace through peace education.”
It stated that with the current global environment shaded by long-term violence around the world including terrorism and inter-ethnic conflicts, the international society is seeking a conflict resolution through a long-term approach to peace building – education.
From 2014 with peace initiatives on global cooperation in international law for peace and religious harmony, the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit has been hosted annually by HWPL to advocate participation of people from all levels of society in peace building. It has among its projects for this year, follow up of a high-level meeting with education specialists in 2016, a detailed action plans in peace education for students and citizens will be introduced.
According to the Principal of Euro School, Nepal, Mrs. Shailaja Adhikary, “In the forum under the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit, 70 global experts in education including ministers of education, presidents of universities, professors, principals and teachers from 21 countries will participate.”
According to HWPL, this forum will address in-depth discussions in “the establishment of a network for global educators to co-develop education contents and spreading a culture of peace through peace education. I have a high expectation of this very venue to discuss peace education for educators with different cultures and nationalities to make peace a reality.”
A Professor of Don Bosco University, Juan Carlos Torres, said, “I want the upcoming generation to be able to have conflict resolution instead of thinking that the person with more guns will win. It is important to teach them how to resolve conflict with a peaceful way and have a peaceful mind. I will attend the education session in the WARP Summit and share about the peace education El Salvador needs with the teachers throughout the world.”
HWPL has formed a partnership with 117 education institutions globally to endorse and implement peace education by designating them as “HWPL Peace Academy” respectively, which includes India, Israel, Kosovo, and the Philippines. As promoted in the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) proclaimed by HWPL for global peace building, HWPL has been building a co-operation with education specialists around the globe to provide opportunities of education to establish a culture of peace.
Along with this forum at the WARP summit, sessions for peace building by global experts will be discussed, including 2017 Conference for the Implementation of the DPCW, 3rd International Religious Leaders’ Conference, Region-Specific Discussion for the Implementation of the DPCW, 5th HWPL International Law Peace Committee Forum, Conference for Global Peace Media Network, and 2017 IWPG Network Forum.