Do you know there are certain things money can never buy? Yes, ‘class’ is one of them. Being classless does not mean you’re a bad person. It is just the way you relate with others and how you handle situations. You might not know that what you embody and see as pride, ultimately portrays you as unreasonable. It is good to be fair to yourself and others because after reading this article, you should know where you need to adjust to be better.Â
Here are traits that show you lack class:
1. You don’t respect others
As they say, respect is reciprocal. If people respect you, do the same to them. Don’t ignore others; probably you think you’re above them so they don’t deserve to be respected. You always act as if you’re in charge of everyone’s life; nobody matters but you. All these are ways of life for someone who does not have class.Â
2. You make fun of others
It is not pleasant to always make fun of others. You’re more like a hater; because trying to feel superior does not make you any better. You make others think less of themselves, you take things out of context just to belittle someone — these are traits of someone who lacks class.
3. You think you’re always right
You can’t always be correct. Admitting your mistakes is no big deal. We are humans; no perfect behaviour. You just have to be realistic; embrace the truth at all times. If you’re the type that likes to criticise the hard work, opinion of others, you go off on them and think your ideas are always right — it’s a portrayal of no class.
4. You like offensive language
One of the common traits of people who have no class is using offensive language to address others. Even if you have many attributes that people love about you; the use of harsh words can make them feel uncomfortable around you. No matter how intelligent you are, if your choice of words is not pleasant; it will overshadow your positive attributes.Â
5. You’re never grateful
You’re never grateful for the deeds of others towards you. Personally, you find it difficult to be grateful for what you have rather, you focus on what you don’t have. Classy people always appreciate every single gesture, even if it’s from where you least expected; and are thankful for what they own.