Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has launched a five-year strategy and implementation plan to ensure a healthier and safer Nigeria through the prevention and control of diseases of public health importance.
The document, launched by the Health Minister, Professor Isaac Adewole, indicated NCDC’s five strategic plans in ensuring this.
The plan included accurate measurement of the burden of infectious diseases in Nigeria, development of a Public Health Laboratory network to support the detection prevention and response to critical infectious diseases as well as ensuring that Nigeria meets its international obligations under the International Health Regulations.
NCDC said it also intend to reduce the adverse impact of predictable and unpredicted public health emergencies as well as create an efficiently managed and evidence-based organisation with a clear focus on health promotion and disease prevention.
The Chief Executive Officer of the NCDC, Dr Chikwe Ihekweazu, said “Our vision is to build the confidence of Nigerians and the global community in the NCDC in our preparedness to protect the health of citizens through information, inclusion and timely response to health concerns.
“We are ready to take on the task ahead, working in partnership with the Nigerian people. We assure you that we will give all it takes to strengthen our contribution to improving public health in Nigeria. Thank you for supporting in making our idea a reality”.
NCDC is Nigeria’s national public health institute with the mandate to provide a healthier and safer Nigeria through the prevention and control of diseases of public health importance.
It is focused on protecting the health of Nigerians through evidence based prevention, integrated disease surveillance and response activities, using a one-health approach, guided by research and led by a skilled workforce.