On tax payment

IN our country today, one of the major problems we have is non-payment of tax. It is rampant among entrepreneur and traders.

Tax simply means a mandatory financial charge or some other types of levy imposed upon a citizen by government, organisation, among others, in order to fund various public expenditures.

Tax, as the name implies, is the money which citizens pay to the government in order to help the government. The government uses the money to execute projects.

Interestingly, in this matter, most citizens know what the government uses the tax for.

Yet, they refuse to pay their tax and they complain that government doesn’t provide for them.

This is a call to all citizens of this noble country to always pay their taxes and pay them in full.

Tax payment should be made compulsory as this will help the government to provide for the country at large and make the citizens enjoy life at its fullest.


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