I suffer from a frequent attack of stomach upset. Kindly let me know what to do.
Fatima (by SMS)
Stomach disturbances can be due to several factors such as; gas in the bowels, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and heartburn. Consumption of infected food items can also lead to stomach upset. A balanced gut will have less difficulty processing food and eliminating waste, likely leading to fewer symptoms. In addition, a diet high in processed foods and added sugars can decrease the amount of “good” bacteria and diversity in your gut. You may be able to improve and reset your gut health through lifestyle and diet changes.
Consider trying one or more of the following to improve your gut health naturally: Lower your stress levels. Chronic high levels of stress are hard on your whole body, including your gut. This is because your body releases certain hormones when it experiences stress. High levels of these hormones affect your body and may compromise gut health. Not getting enough or sufficient quality of sleep may have serious impacts on your gut health, which can in turn contribute to more sleep issues.
Try to prioritize getting at least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. Eat slowly. Chewing your food thoroughly and eating your meals more slowly may lower your chances of developing obesity and diabetes while also helping you make better food choices. This may help you reduce digestive discomfort and maintain a healthy gut. Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water may be linked to increased diversity of bacteria in the gut, though the source of the water also matters. It has been confirmed that people who drank more water had less of a type of bacteria that can cause gastrointestinal infections. Staying hydrated benefits your health overall and can help prevent constipation. It may also be a simple way to promote a healthy gut. Check for food intolerances. You can try eliminating common trigger foods to see if your symptoms improve.
If you’re able to identify and avoid a food or foods that are contributing to your symptoms, you may see a positive change in your digestive health. Change your diet. Reducing the amount of processed, sugary, and high-fat foods that you eat may lead to better gut health. Eating a diet high in fiber likely contributes to a healthy gut microbiome as well. You may also positively impact your gut by eating foods high in micronutrients called polyphenols present in: vegetables, fruits, coffee, tea and wine.
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