I want to know if it is true that breakfast is essential to good health and any attempt to skip it will cause a negative effect on one’s health
Hassan (by SMS)
Breakfast literally means “to break the fast.” It is the first meal of the day after a stretch of not eating overnight. Breakfast earned its title as the most important meal of the day back in the 1960s after American nutritionist Adelle Davis suggested that to keep fit and avoid obesity, one should “eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” Though a recent study of 30,000 adults found that 15% regularly skipped breakfast, many still believe it to be the most important meal of the day. Breakfast provides the body with important nutrients, to start the day feeling energized and nourished. Many also believe that it can promote weight loss. But is breakfast really the most important meal of the day? As with most things in nutrition, the answer is complex. While some research suggests that skipping breakfast is not harmful, other research suggests otherwise. Eating regular meals and snacks, including breakfast, allows for more opportunities throughout the day to give the body the energy and nutrients it needs to function optimally. However, as long as a person can fit their nutrients in during other meals, breakfast may not be the most critical meal of the day. Most of the claimed benefits of eating breakfast are primarily derived from observational studies, which cannot prove cause and effect. Researchers further added that caution should be used when recommending breakfast for weight loss because it may actually have the opposite effect. At this time, there does not appear to be any strong evidence that ties breakfast intake to weight gain. These findings suggest that lifestyle habits may contribute to the overall health status of breakfast eaters, not eating breakfast. Because breakfast gives us the opportunity to fuel our body with nutrients, it is an important meal. However, according to recent studies, it may not be the most important meal of the day. Eating breakfast and listening to your hunger cues is very important if you wake up hungry in the morning. However, if you get busy and skip breakfast one day, there is no need to feel guilty.