It is usual, because of the challenges we face, to seek emotional comfort by pointing to the civilized climes, the industrialised society, as a model of existence. But the West is no model. It may have been at some point, but no more, because it is back to its barbarian origins. If anything, the retinue of creepy, pathetic and useless leaders it continues to throw up is ample indication that it has lost its soul. Britain lost its cream of real men to WWII and since then only the dregs have been running affairs. America began its intellectual slide with the banning of prayer in schools, welcoming Lucifer with fanfare. It is damning that London is now, in many respects, a city of grime and crime, and that filth continues to literally take over the streets of New York and Chicago. There are communities in Italy worse than Ajegunle, and they will never have succour, confined to the margins of existence because straw men inhabit presidential palaces.
Of its many lunacies, perhaps the most ludicrous has been the undue glorification of women and the war against boys and men. To say the least, a female demon has seized Europe and boys and men are now endangered species. From a young, impressionable age, boys are being taught that their gender isn’t desirable—a journalist in fact railed at the birth of a boy in Buckingham some time ago, saying the title King of England had gone out of fashion—and being co-opted into the feminist ideology. The goal is to fit them into a feminised world with feminine rules. Popular culture actively portrays boys as the weaker, confused sex, and girls as the super heroes. In marriage, the woman has all the power and the man all the pain, and only a few ladies in that accursed enclave are no Jezebels.
In her article titled Why the US economy is biased against men, Marty Nemko, writing in The Atlantic on April 18, 2012, said: “Visit American workplaces, especially major corporations, and you’ll find that anti-men practices are not only tolerated but routinely imposed by employers. Women but not men are encouraged to form committees and caucuses to advance their sex’s causes in the workplace, often at men’s expense. Examples: mentor programs for women only, special training for women only and fast-track-to-executive position for women only.” As a matter of fact, the naked onslaught on men has spawned groups as Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW). Wikipedia, owned by the same people who own CNN, describes MGTOW in pejorative terms, but I prefer not to ignore EuroAmerica’s inequalities.
While I am no MGTOW advocate, I cannot contest its claim that the courts are ranged against men, siding with women in divorce proceedings and in everything else. A famous wrestler caught his wife in bed with a footballer, yet the State took his money and gave it to the perverse woman. Husbands are thrown into the streets without fair hearing, and their wives take over the homes, playing Champions League with their boyfriends on the duvets. If you think I’m only being misogynistic, then ask yourself why soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo is not married despite having many children. The truth is that it is SUICIDAL to get married in Europe, because all it takes to lose everything you have is an accusation of some wrongdoing by your woman. And there are hardly any women, properly so-called, in the West: what we have are hideous creatures without the slightest morals. They are loud-mouthed, filthy serpents. To pull down a man, ANY man in Europe, just say that he tried to molest you 40 years ago and that’s it: #Me too demons would quickly invade the streets, buoyed by CNN and BBC. Instead of “Believe the evidence” they say: “Believe women”! And yet, for all their pretence, they only believe women when the accused is a political opponent.
And then the universities. Although still retaining vestiges of the hard, old intellectualism, it’s a fact that these varsities have become centres of socialist dictatorship. Plurality of opinion is sanctioned and there’s no place for Christianity. There are “safe spaces” everywhere for ill-mannered youngsters trained to hate everything capitalist or Christian, and it is treason to espouse right-wing values, although left-wing values are propagated without let. The following courses are actually studied in US universities: puppetry, bag piping, meat processing, decision-making, bakery science, farrier (horseshoe) science, floral management, cannabis cultivation. Indeed, were it not for the Democrat ideology, many of the Nigerian-born loudmouths proclaiming their intellectual superiority from the American academia would have no jobs at all. The next time these guys come to town, ask them what courses they teach, and you would marvel.
One adverse result of the slide in Western intellectualism is that African intellectuals, submerged in the relentless onslaught of the left (with its total control of the mainstream media and Big Tech: Wikipedia, Youtube, Google, etc), have jettisoned their traditional skepticism to embrace wholesale wokeism. These days, professors of political science/international relations proclaim unabashedly that enforcing immigration law is racism, yet in their homes they have a lock on their door. Analysis in the newspapers is often nothing but a regurgitation of MSNBC talking points and the Nigerian media, shirking its role as society’s watchdog, has long wedded itself to the Democratic Party, yet the leading media house in the United States is Republican. By the way, it was Republicans who fought a war to banish slavery, and who granted Blacks the right to own guns and protect themselves from the onslaughts of the Party of Slavery.
Of its many crimes against humanity, the inversion of the natural biological order has to be the worst. The West has not been content with corrupting the world through pornography, including in presidential palaces: it has gifted the world the plague of LGBTQIA, and intends to impose this lunacy on all men. These perverts brainwash boys to transform themselves into girls and vice versa, and live a life of regrets ever after. In class, even primary school children are being taught “tolerance training,” exposed to LGBTQ hogwash. Parents cannot discipline their children, and generations of hopeless, useless, Barbarian streams of humanity have emerged espousing the most demonic values. The West is no longer a serious society: it is a plague of creation, a geographical pestilence. For these reasons and many more, I am not part of the “japa” (run away) crew.
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