The month of Ramadan usually falls within the academic session, and because of its spiritual significance, students also do participate in the fast. Some students of Medmina Colleagues, Ibadan, advise their colleagues who are observing the Ramadan fast for the first time.
Mustapha Umar
I will advise students fasting for the first time to reduce their activities. Do not jump around because it will sap your energy. Spend more time studying the Quran and praying. However, if you are sick and not able to observe the fast, you can still have it before the next Ramadan.
Fareedah Adebesin, JSS 2
Fasting is meant to promote pious lifestyle. I will advise those fasting for the first time not to engage in activities like football which could make them get tired, hungry, and yearn to break their fast. As a student, you can stay strong and concentrate well in school by eating and drinking to your fill when you break your fast.
Aisha Yattara
The act of worship for about 29 to 30 days teaches us patience and also keeps us spiritually steadfast, knowing fully well that there is a reward for our spiritual exercise. I will advise a person fasting for the first time not to be hard on himself or herself. Fasting is not an easy task, but do not give in to temptation.
Adiyatullah Babalola, JSS 3
Any student fasting for the first time should not overwork himself or herself in order that he or she can have enough strength to combine both academic work and spiritual exercise. I minimise the rate at which I play and gist during this period so that I can concentrate on prayer.
Aisha Akolawole, JSS 2
I avoid activities that will make me exert energy during school hours. I read the Quran, pray and sometimes play with my friends in order not to break the fast by midway. I ensure I take a nap, listen to messages on Ramadan and jot down some points which I would go over later. I believe fasting promotes good health and helps people to do away with addictions. .
Muhammad Asimiyu Folarin, JSS 3
All Muslims are expected to fast during the month of Ramadan, but it is usually difficult for those who have never fasted before, most especially students because they have to go to school. My advice is that a student, who is fasting for the first time, should not engage in games like football, basketball, or other activities which require much energy. He or she also need to engage in Islamic activities moderately. Lastly, such a student should rest after completing the general school activities and be determined not to break his or her fast.
Toyyibah Akano, SSS 2
As a Muslim student, I am expected not to be involved only in academic activities, but also engage in religious practices like fasting. But combining both can be a bit challenging especially when writing examinations. I will advise students who are fasting for the first time that as they get involved in spiritual activities which is quite rewarding, they should also avoid strenuous activities and have enough rest.
Muslimah AbdulAleem
Once a child attains maturity, fasting during the month of Ramadan is compulsory. Those exempted are people with certain challenges.
Saheed Mujahid
There is a need to adjust the food timetable as Ramadan approaches. As for fellow students fasting for the first time, one important thing is that they should eat to their fill in order to gain enough energy needed for the different activities during the day. I recommend morsels and discourage appetizers, like spaghetti. Those fasting should not engage in activities which are tasking and engage their minds with things that are productive so as not to get hungry easily.
READ ALSO: One lesson I learnt during Ramadan