In my last article, I started writing about the benefits of sleep for exercise. I hinted that good sleep ensures the get-up-and-go needed for the start off before exercise, the sustenance of stamina during exercise, and the body’s repairs and refill after exercise. Don’t forget that sleep and exercise are part of the four foundational aspects of health that work together for our healthy mind and body, sometimes referred to as ‘the pillars of health’ – others are nutrition and emotional balance. I revealed that my favourite exercise is safe and easy-to-do brisk walking, done in line with the WHO recommendation on Physical Activity for Health which says that an adult (18 – 64years) should do at least 30 – 60 mins of moderate-intensity exercises like brisk walking or swimming for at least 5 times a week; and also do muscle-strengthening exercises like push-ups or planking 2 or more days a week. I also shared that my interest in sleep benefits for exercise was aroused by my chance encounter with an exercising couple during my walking exercise. The wife got my attention with the report about her efforts towards regular exercise which included sacrificing sleep to spare time for exercise from her time constrained 8 to 5 work miles away from home. Before we adjourned to a planned joint exercise, I introduced how sleep is crucial for exercise success, saying, “Good sleep plays roles in the motivation and mood required to kick-start exercise; attitude and endurance needed to sustain the exercise; and the body repairs, recovery and growth after exercises.”
On the next day, during our joint exercise session, we shared further information on the importance of sleep for exercise. We started with the fact that to get out of the comfort zone of rest and kick-start exercise, you need that motivation which your mind would bow to. Studies show that getting enough sleep can give you the drive to kick-start a workout, and sleep’s energizing effects on thinking functions, mood and focus can make you better prepared for that workout. People are more likely to get up and go for exercise after a good night’s sleep and also stick to their exercise plans.
Furthermore, as you are exercising, sufficient sleep before the exercise ensures that you have energy stored during sleep along with sustained muscle strength for the exercise and also muscle balance for better safety with less injuries. Markedly improved exercise performance has followed improved sleep as seen in faster racing speed and longer distance running by athletes, and longer endurance for exercise amongst fitness fans after more sleep time. That means performance at one’s best capacity and less fatigue. On the flip side, not getting enough sleep, even after just one night, makes exercise feel harder, you will fatigue faster, limiting your workout capacity. Similarly, inadequate sleep has also been linked to muscle involuntary imbalances with a higher risk of injuries. I suspected this outcome when the wife fell with a flip-flop to a flimsy stumble against a road bump during our road walk. “She might have fallen such easily due to muscle imbalances from sleep deprivation,” I told myself silently.
Finally, when you have finished exercising with possible muscle tears from the movements, sleep plays further roles. Between workouts, sleep allows the body and muscles time to recover, restock energy and strengthen which helps you to avoid fatigue during the next exercises. Without enough quality sleep, your body and muscles cannot fully recover from exercise in preparation for the next. It also increases the biological reactions which help to repair and build up the muscles. With quality sleep, the body produces a body chemical called growth hormone which stimulates muscle repairs, the building of stronger muscles and bone, and fat burning. So, if you think muscles are built while we’re exercising, you are wrong.
As we all want to get more done from the hectic activities of the day, sleep is usually the sacrificed activity. But, if you want to get the most out of your exercises, your sleep is a bigdeal. Be stingy with sleep, your exercise and its gains will suffer. Let us figure out how to exercise regularly without sacrificing that sleep. Without rest; you won’t be your best.
Let us remember that when you sleep, where you sleep and how you sleep affect your mental health, physical well-being and living a healthy life. We all need quality sleep to be set for productivity in our endeavours.
Do you need further information on the above subject? Are you looking for ways to maintain quality sleep for general well-being and healthy living? Remember, a doctor is an appropriate person to offer relevant advice for the maintenance of quality sleep and solution to sleep difficulties. Do you want to contact the Orthopaedic Sleep Consultant, Dr Charles Uzodimma, kindly send your request to[email protected] OR Whatsapp 08129982143.
Vitafoam Nigeria Plc is the first foam manufacturing company in Nigeria to partner with a sleep expert to educate Nigerians on quality sleep for healthy living. The proudly Nigerian company is truly passionate about sleep and general well-being, and continues to consistently provide Nigerians with quality products that offer great comfort.
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