Bitter leaf is one of the most medicinal leaves in Africa. It is used to prepare various delicacies and meals.
Bitter leaf has a lot of health benefits, especially from its juice. Igbo people call it Onugbu, Yoruba people call it Ewuro, while Hausas call it Shiwaka.
Do you know juice can be extracted from bitter leaves? A lot of people avoid taking bitter leaf juice or even using it to prepare meals because every part of the leaf is bitter. You might be missing out on on a lot of its medicinal benefits.
The best way to enjoy its benefits is by extracting it raw bitter juice and drinking it.
Here are some of the health benefits of bitter leaf:
1. It relieves stomach ache
Bitter leaf juice is the best remedy for stomach ache. Most people drink juice every morning to avoid a stomach ache. It helps relieve indigestion and aids proper digestion of food.
2. It helps prevent prostate cancer
Bitter leaf has various anti-cancerous properties that help prevent cancer, especially prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is usually common in men who are above 40 years. Prostate cancer causes difficulty and pain during urination. Consistent intake of bitter leaf juice especially destroys cancerous cells and increases the flow of urine.
It builds the immune system and destroys tumours.
3. Lowers high blood pressure
You will be amazed that the bitterness in bitter leaf has sweet benefits for the body. It might be unpleasant but helps to lower high blood pressure. Research has it that hypertensive patients should take more bitter leaf soup or juice to reduce their blood pressure.
4. It enhances fertility
Women are advised to take bitter leaf regularly to be more fertile. Drinking bitter leaf juice helps her woman to become pregnant because it helps to balance the hormones. This is a result of the chemical compounds in the leaf.
5. It aids in weight loss
Bitter leaf juice gets rid of excess fat by eliminating bad cholesterol and unwanted calories in the body that could cause obesity. It is the best medicine for burning off excess fat in the body.
6. It detoxifies the body
Due to its richness in protein, vitamins and other nutrients, it helps improve the immune system.