I have travelled to America countless times; in my dream and also in imagination after watching American films. Honestly, I wish my impending dream could serve as a surrogate means of conveyance to America. The image of America I see in hallucination goes beyond being a place with lands of well-trimmed grass and beautiful orchard flanking palatial edifice. America is truly a place for commoners and patricians.
Have you seen how citizens lives and properties are held in high esteem in America? In America I know of, in an emergency situation, say an accident, dial certain digits and the ambulance will appear at the accident scene just like a snake will sneak up to someone within a moment. In contrast, call for security in a situation (like robbery)in my glorified country, Nigeria, and you will be given alibi like “there is limited fuel in the van”.
I still maintain my stance God bless America. One may ask where my patriotism for Nigeria is? Well, I will not dilly-dally in answering that, I can only be proud of Nigeria when it is actually the Giant of Africa, which it claims to be.
Nigeria is one of the countries that practice representative government otherwise known as democracy. But in actual terms, true democracy has not been manifesting. Politicians, who are supposed to be representative of the masses are office loafers in the guise of a servant. They indulge in more saving than serving. Well, who are Nigerians that officials should serve?
In the eyes of our politicians, “Nigerians are mere citizens whose dominant responsibility is to elect government officials and after an election, crawl back into their crib.”
“We are just people who inadvertently give power to politicians based on our ignorance and never cease to pay for our ignorance. In contrast, America is a true definition of democracy ― to an extent. Americans always have a say or opinion in the decision-making process of their country. Americans are the majority (who almost constitutes average citizens) while their leaders are the minority.
Without any doubt, you will agree that ‘God Bless America’ and may ‘God Redeem and Uplift Nigeria’.
Has Nigeria been perpetually cursed by angry gods? There is always one menace or two crises at one time or the other. If it’s not IPOB, it will be Boko Haram. If it is neither the two, it will be Herdmen. Who knows the faction that will join tomorrow.
Of course, America faces their threats too but they employ tacts to ensure the crisis does not thrive for a long time.
The hilarious film ‘Head of State’ culminates my disposition about America and its citizens.
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Basically, the film is about the struggle for the presidency. Mays Gilliam, a civilian was picked at the roadside and he was persuaded to represent their cause ― in a nutshell, son of nobody becomes somebody. I surmise this can only happen in America and some other parts of the world but not definitely in my glorified country, Nigeria.
In Nigeria, it is rare for a son of nobody to become somebody in a Nollywood film, let alone happen in real life ― you need to know somebody before you can get something.
God bless America and may God redeem and uplift Nigeria, in my opinion, should be a clarion call that will redeem, uplift and transform Nigeria.
Owoade is an undergraduate of University of Ibadan studying communication and language arts.