As I write this on Friday, I just felt like larking around, looking for the funny side of stuff around me. Isn’t the funny side the sunny side of life? Is the world around us also not becoming a huge ribaldry? The indecorousness that governs practically all aspects of existence now should deserve what it serves. Maybe when we begin to see a joke in everything those trying to lead us do, they would re-engage in what is true, just, pure, lovely, kind, virtuous, excellent and praiseful, as admonished by Paul in Philippians 4:8.
Politics has stopped making sense. Economy is inexplicably standing on practically nothing, defying the logic of something unable to stand on nothing. No sustaining fundamentals. CBN is just a Father Christmas, running a parallel government. Aso Rock sees nothing in duplication of statutory functions. Obviously, God’s hand is still in more Nigerians not eating from the dustbin. Governance is belly-up. The confusion of the end time is here. Men have moved from being lovers of themselves to not even loving their souls. Or what would it profit them if they strip the commonwealth bare and go to hell? Some may say hell is here already. Will that explain why the looters are intent on satisfying their flesh here and subject their souls to eternal damnation?
The other day, my children and I watched in horror a supposed video of yahoo boys stabbing some random girls, allegedly trapped with goodies, for rituals. Though the recording doesn’t suggest a fake or Nollywood action, I still wish it is surreal. Have we sunk so deep? For cars, booze and babes? Because that is what basically their lives are all about, very similar to that of an average politician. Does anyone still remember Bukar Abba Ibrahim, three-term governor of Yobe State and former senator? His tryst scandal in viral video mid-2018 just vanished from memory like that. About the time, his rotund belly was exposed by the small small girls he was carrying, and still retaining his Senate seat, UK Defence Secretary (Minister of Defence), Michael Fallon was stepping down because he inappropriately touched a journalist knee 15 years back! Someday, Bukar might be running for president if it is the turn of his North. Is this the lot one should take serious?
In politics, they tell you it is all about the numbers, the majority carrying the vote. Then, the reasoning that once the majority speaks, the will of God is done. That 1709 Latin phrase Vox Populi, Vox Dei coinage, misses it by a yard. Why is there so much misery in the land if the so-called popular candidates are God’s will? The way of God and the way of man are miles apart. The reasoning of God can only be understood by men who have surrendered all to righteousness. Such men are few in today’s political clime.
The majorities that are also on God’s side are few. Men are mostly ruled by their feelings. Once they are emotionally-sucked in, the rest is easy for the scheming leaders to lead them by the nose. We are on that path again.
John Calvin Maxwell says, “you can’t move people to action unless you first move them with emotion. The heart comes before the head”.
True. But the desperadoes running around for power won’t be content with ruling the emotions of men, especially the majority. They want to seize and control both the hearts and senses of men, like hypnotised robots.
When the Supreme Court in America shot down Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate on Thursday, I rejoiced. You don’t take people’s freedom away on the altar of fighting a public health noisome pestilence. Just like Daddy G.O said, COVID won’t stop mutating into deadlier variants until men, especially our leaders following and celebrating science over God, acknowledge humanity need God to defeat the unseen enemy.
Weeks back, it crept into the White House and knocked the cocky spokeswoman of Biden, Jen Psaki. No, nobody is rejoicing at anyone’s misfortune and it could be anybody. But making the unvaccinated and I-don’t-want-to-be-vaccinated look like the mutations of Mr. Death is the real satanism going on, in the world around us. The vaccinated, like Colin Powell, have died. The unvaccinated have died. Both sides have also experienced infections of severe order. But trying to cancel out those dissenting on the vaccine conversation, is at the heart of the suspicion captured by Yoruba’s elefo aatan apophthegm. Why are they desperate to make science look good if science is the truth. You don’t defend the truth. It is what it is, the truth.
It is just like asking Governor Dapo Abiodun the cost of President Muhammadu Buhari’s well-starched agbada made of famed Abeokuta’s adire and he, saying the contract was not awarded to his relative. Who asked the fruit seller where the vegetable was plucked? You say what about the legacy projects? What about them truly?
A fellow politician like Governor Abiodun was asked why he cornered public land and shared with his friends, girls and boys alike and he fired back if he was expected to share it, with his enemies.
Accountability in public office has acquired a Nigerian definition long before now. Only that the roguery is advancing. It would be the eighth wonder of the world, if a random contractor with integrity, record of solid delivery and merit, would get anything done, anywhere, without the ubiquitous contacts. The middle-men who set the 10% rules. Not even construction giants are immune. They possibly set the tone of building for the governor first FoC, before building for the state. Any wonder infrastructural projects don’t last. But I believe the Ogun projects would be durable, because they are built for legacy.
But the real legacy project for me is Baba’s agbada. No, this is not awada kerikeri. It sat well on him, unlike the Gringory outfit worn him in Imo State when he went visiting.
Unwittingly, Governor Abiodun’s tailor may have introduced a new fashion statement cap to the President, which the Nigerian leader can try more of, in retirement when he would not be accused of disloyalty to the North by his base. Ooops! Does this tailor business not sound like Abba Kyari/Husspuppi’s monkey business saga? Just teasing.