Adulthood does place demands on us and tests our abilities sometimes. It can be quite challenging because we are not children who have adults to do the thinking and most of the work. And no one really taught us as children what adulthood would be like. What’s the whole point of adulthood? Is it not a disadvantage to grow into adulthood? No, this article explains what it means to be an adult.
Being an adult is quite challenging, but the whole concept of it is TAKING RESPONSIBILITY. It is true that you’ll pay bills, work hard and smart, and have ups and downs. It is also true that it will not always be rosy, and your financial decisions have to be made by you. You need to get a steady job. You’d have to be responsible for your laundry, cook your meals, and many more.
But it is not a disadvantage to take responsibility. Instead, it’s an opportunity to prove to life that you’re not mediocre, and are capable of fighting your way through to make something of your life. It’s also a way to kick your challenges in the butt by showing that your dreams are worth fighting for.
But it gets tough and draining sometimes. Here’s a quick one, in the face of challenges, would you rather persist up or give up? It is better to take responsibility for your life and fight your way through.
I applaud everyone who is an adult and is striving to make it regardless of how tough it gets sometimes. Challenges come at moments in your life where you can make the most of potentials within you and make your dreams a reality. It is a period where you learn, unlearn, and relearn. It is a phase where you build sensible and worthwhile relationships with people. It is a period of time where you find love, where you learn balance. It is a period when you should aim to get better in your finances in a legitimate way. If you do this, your dream of giving yourself a better life would not remain a dream forever.
Adulthood is surely a rollercoaster, but such is life right? There will always be good times, bad times, successes, failures. We won’t always have high highs; life could happen sometimes. There’s always an appearance of lows no matter how high and well put together things may seem.
Sure, it could turn out tough. Sometimes you’d consider quitting because you think you might not survive. But guess what? You don’t have to quit. In five years to come, in 10 years to come you’ll remember that you didn’t give up, and you’ll give yourself a pat on the back. You will thank yourself for that bold step to stay in the process, and not give in to fear of the challenges that come your way.
Being an adult is challenging, but not a disadvantage. Not many adults understand this. They have given into the pressure that challenges bring. They have the wrong mentality of how they should be handled, and have decided to tag adulthood as a scam.
Does this make things any better? No, it doesn’t . This idea that adulthood is a scam breeds mediocrity. Then you start to see these people giving up on their dreams to be better people and become more for themselves and their world. When you start welcoming the idea that adulthood is nothing but a scam, you’d stop pushing and start settling for less. Stepping out of your comfort zone will then become something you will not do.
If anyone needs a push or motivation, it definitely shouldn’t be saying or thinking adulthood is scam. That cannot be your push. No way!
Just like a bouncer effectively guards the entrance to a party, that’s the same way you should guard your heart against unhealthy information. This is so that your heart doesn’t begin to resonate with it.
When your heart agrees with statements like that, then it starts to make sense to your brain. And soon your actions start portraying it.
Remember, adulthood is about learning to take responsibility for your thoughts, actions, and where you are in life. Adulthood is not scam. Don’t discourage yourself by making your subconscious believe a lie about the most defining moment of your life. Don’t puncture your strength with words that are not sensible. Remember, words are powerful. Use them appropriately.
Asides responsibility, there are choices
As an adult, you get to design how your life turns out. You live life based on your own terms. However, it will pay off for you to choose wisely. Design your life with sense.
Of course, this does not in anyway imply that you will figure it all out at once. It only means that at every stage of the process, you get to have a say. You’re the boss.
You can’t be a baby forever. In fact, if you didn’t grow as a baby, you ought to have been checked to spot what could have gone wrong.
Cooking your meals is not scam. Aiming for emotional, spiritual, and financial stability is not a scam. Finding love and putting in the effort to make it work, while getting better yourself is not scam.
The process of hardship will pass. Hardship will not always last for long. You will tell a story about it in the future, and your story will inspire someone to be better and not give up.
Finally, growth is a process, and change is a constant in life. It is unavoidable. So, it is unwise to believe that adulthood is a disadvantage and it is scam. Your mind is a powerful tool. One harm you want to shield your mind from is feeding it with ideologies that could incapacitate it, such as adulthood is a scam. Your mind is way powerful than you think.