Eric Edionwe, popularly known as El Ricky has carved a niche for himself in the music industry through his craft. In this interview by FUNMILAYO AREMU, the promising artiste speaks on his life and career.
How do you intend to keep your momentum going in an industry where different artistes come up and songs are released every day? How are you going to ensure that your career won’t be a one-hit song journey?
I’m not in competition with anybody. For me, it›s a zero per cent competition towards the industry or market but a 100 per cent competition with myself in terms of doing better than yesterday. I will surely keep my momentum going with more hit songs to come while moving at my own pace and lane.
What kind of legacy are you building for yourself in the music industry?
My childhood and teenage dreams were to write books about my life journey and see myself on the TV screen. So, when I discovered music, I felt this baptism and enablement to voice out my messages joyously. However, I don›t want to be remembered only for music but for a name, a brand and a business conglomerate.
What kind of message are you trying to pass across with your music?
An all-in-one type of message that will promote the culture, spread love, motivates and inspires listeners. Through my songs, I speak about real-life situations; my personal life, society and the world at large.
Do you support the opinion that street songs sell better? Are you willing to only please the street with your music or do you have a focus or goal that you are trying to achieve with your music?
I frankly do not intend to concentrate on a market that sells better than the other, I just want to make good songs for all and run at my own pace. Versatility is the key in anything we set out to do and I aim to be versatile enough to appeal to both the street and the world at large.
What drives you as an artiste?
Despite my background growing up as a child, I have always wished to be heard. So, when I started making music, it instilled that burning passion and I recognised it as a medium of expressing myself.
What is the inspiration behind your songs?
My songs are mainly inspired by real-life happenings or experiences. My mood and feelings can also inspire a particular song at a particular time; depending on the subject matter. And when it comes to inspirational and motivational songs; I draw a lot of inspiration from the Bible and then voice it in my own words in order to spice things up and get the message across in the best way possible. My previous song ‹›Better Day›› is an example. I have released 4 songs and I have more collaborations coming. One of my songs, ‘Vibration’ is currently trending.
What kind of artistes are you intending to collaborate with? Both nationally and Internationally?
I intend to work with Olamide, Bella Smurda, Tiwa Savage, Kiss Daniel, Buju, Davido, Techno, Omah Lay, e.t.c. For international artistes, I would like to work with Stormzy, Pop Cannon, Future, Drake and the likes.
If there is an opportunity for you to work with a Nigerian A-list artiste, who would it be? And why?
It will definitely be Olamide. Apart from his talent and street credibility, I admire his personality a lot; especially after I met him at an airport in Lagos when I visited Nigeria in 2013. The way he responded when we made eye contact and then walked towards each other for that hug and handshake was really warm and amazing.
What record label are you currently signed to?
I am not signed to any record label at the moment, maybe anytime in the future but as of now, I am an independent artiste.
What advice would you give people who are aspiring to become artistes?
Be consistent. Consistency can›t be taken for granted either in music or in anything we set out to accomplish, like the saying that Rome wasn›t built in one day, we just keep grinding and pushing onto better days.
When did you start making music and how has the experience been?
It started as a thing I did for fun, around 2018 as I just wanted to hear my voice on my written songs. The first recording was discouraging though I was happy because it was for the fun and also for the fact that it helped me reconnect with my teenage experience. Being a person that doesn›t give up easily, I wanted to give it a second try by recording in another studio. I did so and the song came out way better than the first. I shared it with a few friends and their reviews were very encouraging. Some of them wanted me to continue making more songs and others pushed me to take it up fully as a career. Then I did a recording for another track in 2020 during the lockdown, the outcome was even better than the previous ones, and I just couldn›t stop afterwards.
What were the challenges you faced when you just started?
Well, whatever is not challenging is not worth trying. My major challenge was the response from two persons who are very close to me. They were people I looked up to for advice, they helped me with my decision-making. One of them said it was a waste of time and money while the other gave me examples of those who have invested in music but didn›t see the limelight. But I was sure of two things; I am doing music for fun especially as it connects me with my childhood and teenage years and I would rather try and fail than give up.
What is your educational background?
I had my primary, secondary and part of my tertiary education in Nigeria. I was running a part-time programme at the University of Benin before I got admission to study Business Management at the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff. I have been privileged to acquire a Bachelor’s degree in Business management at the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff.
Has there been any kind of support for your music ever since you started?
Support comes in different forms and for me. Yes, I have had support, especially on moral grounds. I am so blessed with the right people who have been very supportive and I don’t even have the right words to express how grateful I am to these people.
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