Many people do not know how to manage leftover foods and usually end up throwing them away due to some myths about how to handle them.
There are specific facts about leftover food; the bacteria that cause food poisoning grow quickly at room temperature, so to make sure it’s safe, put food in the fridge or freezer two hours after it’s cooked or taken off a heat source, such as a warming tray. If leftover food like pizza has been sitting out for hours, throw it away.
You don’t need to wait until leftovers are room temperature; you can put hot foods directly into the fridge. Large amounts, such as a pot of soup or a whole chicken, can take too long to cool. If you like to chill them quickly, you can divide them into smaller, shallow portions or put them in a leak-proof container in a large bowl of ice and a little water.
It is a myth that leftovers are safe until they smell. The truth is that you can’t see, smell or taste the bacteria that can make you sick. To protect against food poisoning, toss out food after three to four days in the fridge or move it to the freezer. While frozen leftovers are safe for a long time, they lose flavor and texture after three to four months. Always use airtight packaging or containers, and write down the date. If you’re in doubt about whether the food has gone bad, throw it out.
To kill dangerous bacteria, you need to heat food to 165 F. The best way to tell if it has reached that temperature is with a food thermometer. Put it in different places, especially the thickest or deepest part, because dishes can cook unevenly.
Putting frozen foods in hot water or leaving them on the counter to thaw can make bacteria grow faster. There are three safe ways to thaw food: in the refrigerator, in cold water and in the microwave. It’s also safe to cook foods straight from frozen.
While freezing can slow the growth of bacteria, it doesn’t kill them. When you thaw leftovers, the bacteria may start growing again and make you sick. That’s why it’s important to reheat thawed leftovers the right way.
If you didn’t finish leftovers, don’t toss them out. Put them back in the freezer and save them for another meal. Just make sure that you heat them to 165 F first. If a large container of leftovers is frozen and only a portion of it is needed, it is safe to thaw the leftovers in the refrigerator, remove the needed portion and refreeze the remainder of the thawed leftovers without reheating it.
READ ALSO: Art of keeping food bacteria free, managing leftovers