Minnesota is seeing a new wave of support for legalizing sports betting. Supports feel that there are a lot of things to cover because the art of gambling is pretty complicated. They also feel that it is the right time to make it legal. Rep. Pat Garofalo, Farmington Republican, believes that feel that Minnesotans will benefit from it because it would reduce criminal activities related to money laundering. You can also go to reliable online sites like betway.com.ng to help you make some cool money. Or, you can also try out other alternatives to sports betting.
Garofalo will be carrying the sports betting bill in the Minnesota House of Representatives. Even though it is illegal currently, many people are participating in sports betting. Moving it to a more regulated and safe environment will help the government to have a better control over the activities. He isn’t really focusing on the taxation aspect of the whole gambling legalization but plans to dedicate a part of the state’s funds towards proper gambling education and addiction programs.
The US Supreme Court recently took down the federal ban on sports betting and thereby, making way for the possibility of legalized sports betting. It isn’t applicable to Nevada because it is the only state in the country where sports betting is legal. The gambling business is booming in the state with the Super Bowl collecting a total of $160 million in revenue.
There is more demand to Sports Betting Today
Garofalo also mentioned that if the United States is making so much in only one state, it indicates that people are interested. There is a demand and it needs to be fulfilled. The decision completely lies in the hands of the lawmakers which includes the states they want to legalize gambling in and whether there will online gambling or not. The easiest way to pass a law right now is allowing it in only a few states.
The problem regarding acceptable problems to gamble can be decided a little later. Gov. Tim Walz also supports the legalization campaign but there’s a twist. He first wants to know the details and how it would deal with the current tribal gambling entities.
However, the Minnesota Indian Gaming Association doesn’t want the sport to expand, which is something the supporters have to work through. Garofalo wishes for the law to come through in the next two years but hopes it gets done within a year.
Supporters across the US
Leif Blake, a supporter of the cause, said that his buddies in Las Vegas bet on sports all the time. They tell him that they wake up on Sunday mornings and start the betting. Heather Meix also supports the idea. He hasn’t tried sports betting ever but if it becomes legal in Minnesota he would definitely give it a try.
With so many people wanting sports betting to be legalized, it seems like the future is bright for the industry. Which sport are you betting on next?