THIS is not a doomsday prophecy but an evolving reality and fact as we explain the following perspectives.
The unfolding words will powerfully resonate among all true celestials, especially those who believe there is a gap, a spiritual stagnation, and the receding effect of retrogression-disintegration in what today is observed in the literal body of the Celestial Church of Christ.
The problem as many think is not about having or not having a pastor or multiple pastors.
It is not about what Prophet SBJ Oshoffa was quoted to have said or not. It is not the prophets or choristers who have failed. It is simply that no leader will ever be able to direct the church or the former spiritual mission mandate since no leader currently on earth is prenatally prepared to anchor or further such a delicate and tenured mission from the light. By the law of the cycle of creation, that cycle is closed.
It is, therefore, natural that the church having reached its climax, decay sets in because no leader has been prenatally gifted and prepared to take the course/advance the spiritual needs of the people of the church.
What will live is Celestial- the power from the celestial heights will live because it is living and just like the mandate that gave rise to the church, it has already been withdrawn and preserved.
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What is left is an intellectual edifice, a leftover or remnant of supra-earthly power, sufficient to cause a stir here and there; nourished and sustained by the collective will of the church occupants, especially the very old faithful members who witnessed the golden power-filled era.
The church expansion or apparent growth is but a false brightness, a twinkling of a dying star.
The celestial mandate of saving the souls from the clutches of witches and wizards, and by large the darkness, through the founder, prophets, and inspired music has been fulfilled but the prophecy of the last boat of salvation failed.
To all those who are faithful in the fold and searching, seek your eternal salvation elsewhere as the golden era cannot return. Seek the truth not in a prophet/church/sect, but “innerly”, to the Almighty (Oba Imole).
Each one is now for himself, no one can help him/her in this urgent race. Salvation or death is where we are now.
Again, the call, no prophet/shepherd can help, they do not know the way anymore, those who once knew can’t find it.
Yes, here and there prayers are still answered, and visions are still seen but this is not dependent on any or a type of church or sect but by law, the ever-active laws of creation.
Have we not seen the prayers of many of the so-called unbelievers answered? Even faster and more lasting than believers? Does the rain not fall on believers and unbelievers alike? Are there no seers even in non Christian or noncelestial fold? Vision or prophets are not the exclusive right of one denomination or religion. It is a natural gift from above.
Again, the end of days we are in on earth calls loudly to the individual to make his or her effort to find the the truth that saves, especially as the ark, which could have taken the few chosen ones has been ridden with holes and it will no longer sail to the expected destination.
He whose spiritual ears are still active should listen to this warning call. Grab the lifeboat offered, exit the ark and sail to a temporary anchor, but with the earnest prayer that you may find the needed rescue-help.
It is hoped that such earnest ones will find help.
Consequently, he who reads, absorbs, and resonates with the words of this text has a natural obligation to share with those he feels will benefit also. They are few, very few.
- Ogunadele writes from the United Kingdom.