TPAP-M launches campaign council to counter capitalism, promote socialism

AS political parties intensify campaign ahead of the 2023 general elections, a political group The People’s Alternative Political Movement, TPAP-M, has launched its campaign council with the intention to promote socialism and counter capitalism.

The group also vowed to raise banner of Socialism to free Nigerians from the shackles of devastating capitalism.

This was contained in a statement signed by Comrade Jaye Gaskia and Prof Omotoye Olorode, of TPAP-M Secretariat respectively.

TPAP-M is a Coalition of individuals and organisations committed to the emergence of a Mass Workers Party and the Socialist Transformation of Nigeria.

The statement said the Movement was established by delegates of left organisations, Socialist Political Formations, and workers organizations at the end of the Inaugural (Working) Peoples Alternative Political Summit held at Women Development Center, Abuja in March 2021.

“In a bid to ensure that the mandate of bringing about the emergence of a Mass Workers Party Campaign for the Socialist Transformation of Nigeria (CAST-NIGERIA), in May 2022. Campaign was then formally inaugurated and publicly unveiled and launched on the 3rd of October, 2022 at a World Press Conference at Olaitain Oyerinde Auditorium, Labour House, Abuja”.

It therefore, said “the Campaign Organisation shall commence engagement with Nigerians – at home and in the diaspora, and the Media immediately.

“To this end, we would reach out to Media organisations and Journalists and utilize the Social Media to make the case against Capitalism, and canvass for Socialism.

“We are hereby using this medium to inform media organisations and programmes that we would require their platforms for interviews, and participate in programs, to make our case for socialism in Nigeria.

“We are also putting the Political Parties and their Candidates in Nigeria on notice that we are challenging them to debates on their manifestos and programmes for Nigeria”.

TPAP-M also disclosed its plans of reaching out to other organizations of people and toiling masses across Africa, and the globe, with a view to establishing and nurturing the organised fighting solidarity of the oppressed and exploited in Africa, and across the World. working through the CAST Nigeria campaign.

The statement further stated that “Slogan, and central theme of CAST-Nigeria is ‘The Alternative that is not on the Ballot’. A
Manifesto and A Document “The Case For Socialism” was also unveiled.

“In the Course of the Campaign A case would be made for Socialism as the only alternative to disaster Capitalism in Nigeria.

“The Banner of Socialism would be raised during the campaign period and beyond, and we would challenge Political Parties, their Candidates and Officials to Public Debates.

“The Purpose is to expose Capitalism and Neo Liberalism and their Agents. We want to use this period to create awareness, educate and inform Nigerians, especially the working people and youth, in a bid to mobilise them into the Movement through the Campaign.

“We are also calling on Nigerians and organisations of the suffering, toiling and working masses who are being oppressed and victimized and denied what rightfully belongs to them to reach Humanitarian, Social Intervention and Community support Committee.

“We are a movement of the working people and toiling masses, our campaign is for the transformation of our country into a country that works for, and in the interest of the working people and toiling masses.

“As stated in our primary documents, we understand the international character of capitalism, and the global nature of the capitalist crisis; and as such we equally understand that the global nature and international character of the monumental effort required not only to push back against the disastrous consequences of capitalism, and challenge the capitalist ruling class for
power; but also to supplant capitalism and undertake the socialist Transformation of human civilisation.”

The statement further explained that, “The ultimate goal is to build a Movement that has the autonomous capacity to mobilise for push back against the burdens of mounting hardships and relentless insecurity; and ultimately to establish and build a Mass workers Party, that can successfully challenge the ruling class for power and subsequently lead the process of Socialist Transformation of Nigeria.”

The inaugurated 50- member Campaign Organisation has Professor Omotoye Olorode as Chairman Engr. YZ Yau-Vice Chairman (North), Comrade Jaye Gaskia-National Coordinator/National Spokesperson/ Chair Public Sector; Comrade.

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