“Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” Mark 9.23
What will you do if money is not an issue?
What will you do if impossibility is not possible?
What will you do if the right opportunity arises with the right resources?
How will your life be with the right people and resources?
“The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.” John Sculley
Many times, we are not operating at our desired level because of an impossibility thinking mindset so we operate either below our potential or just operate on a maintenance mode.
“Life is full of possibilities.But often, our struggles make it hard for us to see the prize ahead.
Due to circumstances we usually can’t control, we give up on our dreams or simply ride along the waves.
We think that just because we’ve missed the bus we can’t get to where we want to be.” Norbert Juma
To operate at our fullest potential in line with His will and purpose God has given us the gift and power of possibilities. He knows we are not where we ought to be. Where we are now is not the place to be, so He opens us up for possibilities. He stirs our hope, faith by opening us up to possibilities and believing and engaging appropriate action takes us into higher dimensions, greater heights and our highest potential.
Mark 9:23 “To him that believeth all things are possible.”
“God has already equipped you with the skills you need to achieve your dreams. If you just try, work hard, take control of your destiny, remain true to yourself and believe it is possible, you will have unlimited power to achieve the impossible.” Germany Kent
Possibilities give us a picture of what is available to us, things which can happen.
Possibilities deal with:
– Likelihoods
– Capabilities
– Potentials
– Prospects
– Achievables
– Feasibilities
– Attainables
Our potential for growth, increase, numerically, spiritually, mentality is based on our ability to embrace and harness and utilise possibilities.
It is in possibilities that lie creativity, answers, solutions and a life really worth living.